Sample Direct-Response Display Ad

If you want to sell a lower-priced service or product directly to your prospects (as opposed to using the 2-step selling formula) from a printed media (like newspapers... magazines... e-zines... or whatever), display ads are the way to go.

You must have a good headline though, to get anyone to even look at your ad, and even more important -- your ad must be running in the right place.

And ideally, your target market must be passionate about reading the publication you're running your display ads in.

Here's what I mean: Let's say you've got a product that helps veterinarians diagnose heartworm.  Your product delivers a more accurate diagnosis... it's quicker... and it's cheaper than the testing veterinarians are using now.

You could run this ad in some kind of a "Pet" magazine, like Dog Fancy.  But... you'll end up making a lot more money running it in Veterinary News.

More veterinarians are reading that magazine, and because the information in Veterinary News is more focused, they're reading it more intensely.

And how intense... or how much your reader is "hooked" on your advertising medium...

Is Critical To The  Success Of Your Ad!

Chances are, the veterinarians reading Veterinary News are actually looking for ads selling products that'll help their practice run smoother and service their patients better.  (Gosh, that sound funny referring to a pet as a "patient", doesn't it?)

In fact, using trade or hobbyist magazines is often your very best way of reaching out to your marketplace.


Simple.  Your ad's a lot more likely to get read.

Here, just think about it for a minute:  If you're reading "People Magazine", or "Fortune" or "Life", you're not reading all the ads, are you?


But if you go out of your way to subscribe to a trade magazine or a hobbyist magazine, you're either looking to boost your earnings potential or you're excited about learning as much as you possibly can about your hobby.

What this boils down to is...

How Much Passion You Have!

And chances are you're much more passionate about making money and enjoying your hobbies, than you are about People Magazine, right?

Of course!

When you're reading trade magazines... "niche" group magaines (like, "Architectural Digest" for example)... or hobbyist magazines... you're going to read through every article on each-and-every-page and look at all the headlines in every single ad.

Finally, here's your example of a display ad:  If you want to download and print out the ad, you'll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader.  If you don't have the Adobe Acrobat Reader software, you can get it for FREE by clicking here.

Next, click here or on the ad itself, and a new browser window will open up with the full ad in a PDF file format.

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