You CAN Live Like This, But Who The Hell Wants To?

Some people, no matter how successful they are, spend their entire lives cloaked in poverty consciousness. I often see a lot of these folks at various seminars.

Dripping with success, yet living their life as if they’re just getting by, week-to-week. Nickel-and-diming absolutely every decision they make, sleeping peacefully at night knowing they’ve gotten the “best deal” possible.

Here’s an example of a very successful guy, whose lead you most definitely should NOT follow. Ingvar Kamprad founded a company back in 1953, which today has 230 stores in 33 countries and 90,000 employees.

As the owner of Ikea Furniture stores, Kamprad can do and own anything he wants, yet… he still flies coach, takes public transportation, and haggles with local merchants where he lives in Lausanne, Switzerland. He doesn’t wear suits — too costly — yet once-in-a-blue moon, he’ll splurge on himself and buy a nice shirt.

He’s also a die-hard penny pincher, a recovering alcoholic, and he once was involved with the Nazi party. His philosophy is “How can I lavish myself with luxuries and ask others (in his company), to be penny-wise?”

True, but there’s a HUGE difference between lavishing yourself with luxuries, and buying a suit for goodness sakes. Sheesh! You don’t need to be able to quote chapter and verse of “Think And Grow Reech” to know this.

It’s the feelings of unworthiness and undeserving that prevent people from enjoying their success, nothing more. Calling things like flying first class a luxury when you’re the CEO of a $12 Billyun dollar company, is like saying buying soft toilet tissue is a luxury as opposed to buying the stuff that scrapes your booty like a shovel scraping snow off concrete when you use it, but it’s 50% cheaper.

At some point, things go from being luxury items, to being “normal.”

Like I said, you CAN live like this, but who the hell wants to? You certainly can’t take it with you, and you don’t get bonus points for being thrifty. BALANCE is key.

Ingvar’s way out of balance.

And don’t fool yourself here – don’t mistake having a good “work ethic” with having “scarcity mentality.” The two are mutually exclusive, even though for some reason, a lot of people have difficulty separating them.

Look, getting a good deal is important. This is business, after all. But… what’s your time worth to you? And at some point, if you really are who you say you are, and you’re really experiencing the success you say you’re experiencing, getting a good deal on the price of your copier toner, really shouldn’t matter, no?

Only TWO DAYS LEFT to get your hands on this month’s Seductive Selling Offline Newsletter where you can discover an IDIOT-PROOF way even a backwards man or woman can use to name their business or service, which will position you as THE authority, in Example 5. Try it FREE right here:

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Make sure you listen and call-in to my new Radio Show, The Seductive Selling Marketing Hour For Entrepreneurs, starting THIS Thursday at 1pm Eastern Time. Go here for details:






2 responses to “You CAN Live Like This, But Who The Hell Wants To?”

  1. Two Maids & A Mop Avatar
    Two Maids & A Mop

    So what’s your take on Warren Buffett? The second richest man in the world lives pretty darn frugal. So frugal that he lives in the same house from the ’60’s. So frugal that he still only pays himself $100,00 annually.

    Living frugal doesn’t have to be looked upon as bad. Especially if living frugal makes you just as happy as living high.

    I own a business. And I enjoy plowing the profits back into the business. Back to the employees more specifically. Making millions doesn’t excite me. Building a business and creating wealth for others fires me up.

    Hello. My name is Ron. I’m a frugaholic.

    Two Maids

  2. Craig Garber Avatar
    Craig Garber

    Thoughts are things (listen to Earl Nightingale’s “Lead The Field” for more on this).

    Keep thinking about making others rich and that’s what will happen. Thinking about making yourself rich, and that’s what will happen. The two don’t have to be mutually exclusive. And THAT is exactly… the point.


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