According to a study conducted by well-known study experts MTV Networks, 57% of 16 to 34-year olds are unhappy with “the way things are now,” and over half are “stressed out.”
Ironically, the more industrialized countries like Japan, the UK, America and Germany, have far less happy teens than less developed countries like Mexico, Argentina and Indonesia. Now I’m no shrink, but this goes to show you that the more you have… clearly, the more you want.
Most kids (although there’s no way you can call a 34 year-old a kid), are stressed out about things like getting a good job and figuring out what they’re going to do when they grow up (Shit, I still haven’t got that one nailed down myself.)
Some are concerned about their image, some about their popularity, others about (this is amazing) “owning the right brand”, and ALL of them, oddly enough, listen to music to cope with their stress.
Not surprising that this is the conclusion of the MTV study. If I was doing the study, the conclusion would probably be that to relieve stress, most people watch the DVD’s in the Seductive Selling System –
One reason young folks are so stressed out is because they’re concerned about their financial future. They think they’re going to make less money than their parents, except in the lesser-industrialized countries where they think they’ll make more.
I’m not sure if you took this study 15, 25, or even 35 years ago, that you’d find any different results. Human nature really doesn’t change, and although cultural differences may broaden and narrow themselves over time, or temporarily through events or experiences that may occur, people today don’t act or RE-act any differently than your parents or grandparents may have acted.
And THIS is the thing you want to focus on when you’re selling. Not whether your web page should be green or yellow, or do you use times new roman or arial fonts. When it comes to persuasion, you’re massaging emotions first, so keep that in mind.
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Now go sell something, Craig Garber
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