Why Prospects Believe… And Why They Don’t

Sheesh, I just spent the last 3 days freezing my buns off just outside of Washington, D.C., and Lord knows it made me yearn to be back in my lake-house in sunny Tampa.

You know, there are only three reasons why someone won’t buy something from you, and that’s it.

One, they simply aren’t interested.

This means, for whatever reason, you either got a bad mailing list, or if you’re selling online, the people on your list are there for the entertainment or spectator value, and not because they have any interest in what you sell.

Two, your prices are too high, and this is really a whole other conversation we’re not going to have right now, outside of me saying this is usually not the case, presuming you have a good list.

And lastly, your prospects may not trust you. You may have no credibility with them, or… you simply may not be believable.

Here are a few ways to increase your believability.

One, use LOADS of testimonials. Don’t make ‘em up, don’t “assume” what your prospects want to know, just find out what made them happy and ask your happy customers to discuss that aspect of your product or service.

Two, don’t exaggerate. Most of the time you are FAR better off being conservative than not. For instance, if you’re trying to help someone improve their golf score, you don’t need to tell them they’ll shave 13 strokes off their game in 15 days or less. Clipping two or three strokes off your game in 30 days, would generally be something most golfers would LOVE, and as long as you’re being genuine in your tone and your testimonials support this, this is a VERY realistic claim.

And three, tell the truth and support your claims with facts, statistics, and “reasons why.” Claims are much more believable when you explain what’s behind them. Just the same way your kids ask you “why” and won’t stop until you answer them, your prospects have the same sense of curiosity that needs to be satisfied.

In fact, curiosity is one of THE strongest emotional buy-buttons, and I cover it THOROUGHLY in my Seductive Selling System. If you haven’t gotten your hands on this system yet, then do so NOW, because this month’s Coaching Call is on Posturing and Positioning — something you MUST know if you want to control your business relationships, charge top-dollar and be in demand. You can get The Seductive Selling System right here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. This is the MOST controversial Seductive Selling issue
ever! Plus you’ll get eye-opening insights on positioning
and posturing, making offers, and how to use your copy to get your
prospects involved. Check it out here and take a free testdrive: http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl






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