Here’s a new trend that’s pretty interesting, and pretty “common sense-like” if you think about it.
One of the hottest new rages amongst baby boomers is buying high-end bikes. For instance, there’s a brushed silver, custom-made bike called the “Guru”, which goes for around $9 grand… and then there’s the Cervelo, made of black carbon fiber, which is a little more pricey at $10 g’s.
One of the primary reasons for this increased consumption and increased demand is the aging of the baby boomers, of which I’m one of the youngest. (The “boomer” cycle ended in December 1963, I was born in November of that year.)
See, we were the first generation to embrace physical activity (believe me, our parents weren’t jogging and pumping iron in the gym, they were smoking Parliaments and having a whiskey and water after work) and now, our physical activity has embraced us.
Weak shoulders, sore backs, and cartilage-meshed knees have taken over, and one of the few things left for us (besides the wheelchair) is… the bicycle.
And since a good chunk of us boomers have a few extra dollars lying around here and there, and since we’re used to having it “our way”, it makes TOTAL sense that the demand for new foreign and custom bikes is on the upswing.
My friend Dwight Miller from New Jersey has confirmed this for me, as he’s an avid rider with a cool set of wheels.
Also, the bike shops where these bikes are sold aren’t your regular greasy mechanic-infested run-of-the-mill old retail stores you’ve seen in the past. For instance, at Signature Cycles in Manhattan, as part of your buying experience (remember how I keep mentioning that word) you get a “range -of-motion analysis” on a massage table… you can shower there, because you may be sweaty after testing your new rides… and while you’re perusing bikes, you can sip fresh espresso.
Hey, if you’re gonna spend 10 Grand on a bike; you may as well have a 10,000 dollar experience too, right?
Pay attention to trends in the marketplace and it’ll pay off — for your customers, and… of course for you.
In this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter, you’ll see a VERY smart way of selling another “tren-dy” product that boomers are buying — wine. Check it out for free, right here:
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. TWO DAYS LEFT – Then you’re out $100 Dollars! Order The Seductive Selling System now; otherwise I will beat you out of $100 bucks if you order after this Friday, because that’s when the price is going up. Get every marketing trick, strategy and technique to use, for whether you’re selling in print, or belly-to-belly, in person. Get it here, NOW:
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