Erik Johnson, from Newark, California, has been a long-time offline newsletter subscriber of mine, and he also owns all my information products. Erik recently sent me this note:
“Craig I was just watching CNBC’s “High Net Worth” and they were interviewing Sheldon Adelson (Forbes 3rd Richest Man in the World for 2007). When Sheldon Adelson was asked by High Net Worth’s Christine Tan, “At the age of 74 you’re a self-made billionaire and Forbes has ranked you the 6th richest man in the world. How do you do it? What’s your success?”
His response was “….The answer is very simple, I don’t do things the way other people do it. If I go into a particular industry or discipline or business and I would say to some practitioner in the business, Why do you do things the way you do them? They invariably say, because I’ve always done it that way. When I hear this, then I know there is an opp-ortunity.”
You will find, over the course of your life, taking the road less traveled is one of the safest and smartest strategies to bet on. Earl Nightingale identified this several decades ago when he recorded “Lead The Field.” Earl said something like, “Just look at what everyone else is doing and then do the opposite.”
It’s this “controversial thinking” that makes people a success. For instance, when I was a kid I grew up in a horrible environment. My parents were both lower income blue collar wage earners, and although that wasn’t the problem, the negative mental garbage that came along with it, was.
Statements like “Money comes to money”… “The rich get richer…” “Successful people got there by screwing other folks…” and the false sense of “nobility” that came with just getting by and living week to week, were hammered into my head pretty deeply.
When you get messages like this, they tend to embed themselves there and become part of your subconscious mind. It wasn’t until much later on in my life, when I was able to re-program my subconscious mind, that I was finally able to eliminate those messages and any limiting beliefs I had about success, and really make something of myself.
This wasn’t an easy thing to do — not by a long-shot. But THE biggest change for me came when I stumbled across an old out-of-date, book called “The Science Of Getting Rich.”
In this book, which I’ve secured the rights to republish, it explains why God wants you to be successful, and why it’s your DUTY to make loads of money. It clears up LOTS of confusing issues about abundance and scarcity thinking. In this book, I also share with you some of the more desperate times I had in my life — the circumstances of which I am SURE will surprise you.
To get your hands on this eye-opening book, which I now read once a year just to keep my head right, go to
And after all, who can argue with God?
By the way, Erik Johnson ends all his notes with the statement, “Onward and Upward.”
Yes indeed.
Now go sell something, Craig
P.S. Shatter all the limiting beliefs you’ve had and find out why God WANTS you to be wealthy and successful beyond your wildest imagination, and destroy any self-sabotaging thoughts at
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