Which of these three headlines generated the biggest response?

So a close friend of mine recently ran a split-test on some headlines and his results were quite interesting. He was kind enough to share them with me, and even kinder to allow me to share them with you.

Here are the three headlines:

52 Ways To Win, Where Everybody Else Loses

52 Little Things That Make A Big Difference In Life

52 Thoughts To Change Your Life

As you know, a large percentage of your marketing success in any promotion you run, is based on your headline selection. And while creating headlines is somewhat formulaic, the reality is, no one really knows how any headline will do, especially versus another headline, until you either test them or roll them out in a live campaign.

So what I want you to do, is let me know which of these 3 headlines you think pulled the best response, and why.

Post your responses up on my blog at http://blog.kingofcopy.com and tomorrow or Thursday I’ll give you the correct answers and my own thoughts on why things turned out the way they did.

This will be fun.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Learn THE Cardinal Rule about “positioning” and how to position yourself on page 3 of this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter. Test-drive it free and get 15 REAL bonus gifts, right here : http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl (make sure you watch the video!)

If you enjoyed this, pass it on to a few of your friends and business associates, and if you have any comments about this message, PLEASE — leave them here on my blog — it’s important you let me know what you’re thinking!:

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43 responses to “Which of these three headlines generated the biggest response?”

  1. ScLoHo (Scott Howard) Avatar
    ScLoHo (Scott Howard)

    Craig, I like the 2nd headline.

    It promises an easy (Little Things) way to make a positive (Big Difference) impact, without hurting others (as #1 does).

    Also #3 is too wimpy. (Thoughts!?)

    Hey, you’ve just inspired me to change something on my site! at http://www.sclohonet.blogspot.com

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    52 Little Things That Make A Big Difference In Life

    This line had the most punch for me. Somehow it seemed like it was going to be simple.

    The first line was completely negative. That last line made me think “What do I care about what someone else’s thoughts are?”…I can think for myself…the last line probably came from someone who like to listen to themself talk…

  3. Chris Avatar

    52 Little Things That Make A Big Difference In Life

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    52 ways to win. This is an in your face trash talking society that is looking to be number ONE. Perhaps that comes from my thirty years as a sports official but winning appears to be everything today.

  5. Thom Scott Avatar
    Thom Scott

    My guess as to which pulled best would be #2 – “52 Little Things That Make A Big Difference In Life.” Here’s why:

    1) Most people, at heart, really aren’t looking to make others lose. They are looking to win. So, if the message would be winning over competition, that is one thing. But, with the message that everyone else loses, I just think it crosses the line into an area where someone would have to identify themselves as ruthless to go for it. (Very few ruthless people even consider themselves to be ruthless.)

    2) 52 Thoughts to Change Your Life is just to fuzzy and amorphous. It has the feeling of sage wisdom about life, the universe and everything. That’s great if you’re higher up on Maslow’s Heirarchy, but for the majority who are still seeking physiological needs or safety and security, it just doesn’t hit home.

    3) I think number 2 would be strongest because the idea of “little things” is something we all believe we can apply. And, the “big” difference suggests great leverage for the little amount of time and energy we put into creating the improvement.

    Well, that’s my thought anyway. I’m eager to see how it actually turned out.

    Thanks for the thought-provoking assignment.

    All the Best,
    “Coach” Thom Scott

  6. Charlie C Avatar
    Charlie C

    I think #1. Not because of any negative aspect but because everyone is hurting today and this promises something positive in that atmosphere.

  7. Anonymous Avatar


    I’ll go with “52 Little Things That Make A Big Difference In Life” as the winner.

    Only New Yorkers want to win at some else’s expense. And, “change your life” is an over promise.

    The operative words are “little” and “big.” Nice wordplay that suggests a rewarding ROI.


  8. Darryl Avatar

    I would have to say headline #2 -“52 Little Things That Make A Big Difference In Life” pulled the most responses. It invokes curiosity – what “little things” will make a big difference on my life? It’s specific “52 little things” – I know exactly how many will be revealed. And it triggers an emotional response – of course I want to make a “big” difference or positive impact on my life.

  9. Anonymous Avatar

    I’m going with number 1:
    52 Ways To Win, Where Everybody Else Loses

    Like it or not, everyone, secretly, wants to feel superior to others. This headline hits that hot button hard.

    Granted, some people might find it a turn-off, the idea of someone else losing. Most people, however, will crave the emotional validation of winning when other can’t or don’t.

    After all, why else would we all put guesses in a public forum, but to feel superior to the people who got the answer wrong? 🙂

    Looking forward to seeing the right answer.

  10. Donovan Avatar

    I am thinking Ways to Win while Everybody Else Loses may have been the most effective. I believe a lot of people want to “get ahead” of others and hope maybe some “inside info” will get them where they perceive they want to be. A lot of people figure if they
    are the winner then those that lose maybe just didn’t take advantage of what was there for the taking and after all they did not do anything to make them lose they just won or received help winning.

  11. Donovan Avatar

    I am thinking Ways to Win while Everybody Else Loses may have been the most effective. I believe a lot of people want to “get ahead” of others and hope maybe some “inside info” will get them where they perceive they want to be. A lot of people figure if they
    are the winner then those that lose maybe just didn’t take advantage of what was there for the taking and after all they did not do anything to make them lose they just won or received help winning.

  12. Floyd Fisher Avatar
    Floyd Fisher

    I like the second headline.

    It conveys these things are simple, easy to implement, and that they can make a big difference.

  13. jodi Avatar

    I think #3 because lots of people are always looking for ways to change something in their life. The majority of people do not seem content with their lives. The odds seem very good when there are 52 ways that at least 1 would apply to any individual.

  14. Carlene Avatar

    #3. 52 Thoughts To Change Your Life.
    People in general realize that they can change their life. Most realize that making a change in their thinking would help, but don’t know how to do it. This promises to give them that direction.
    Reasons I think the other two choices are not as good.
    #1. people generally do not want to win at others expense.

    #2. although people want to make a change in their life, it seems too vague.

  15. Peter Avatar

    I think “52 Little Things That Make A Big Difference In Life” is the best of the three, because, when i read it, i picture and think, what LITTLE Things i must change, that make my life big.

    But i must say, that i to vacillate betwenn the first and the second headline. Because the first make me curious to know.

    Greetings from Germany

  16. Gordon Bell Avatar
    Gordon Bell

    I think the first headline pulled more than the others because no one likes to lose or be identified with losers. It will be interesting to discover which one actually pulled best for sure.

  17. Mark Avatar

    “52 Ways To Win, Where Everybody Else Loses.”

    Nobody enjoys losing, every likes to win (especially in business).

    Sure, its a little in-your-face, and it might hurt some feelings. Some might say that you’re winning at other people’s expense. That’s not what it says though.

  18. Brian Ochsner Avatar
    Brian Ochsner

    Although #1 answers the question “What’s In It For Me?,” I don’t think there are that many people who are that selfish and want to see everyone else lose (although that number may be rising).

    #3 is too vague and too “vanilla.” Nothing specific is promised, and with no real impact.

    I think the 2nd headline pulled best, because it’s the most specific of all three. And these “Little Things” sound easy to apply in your everyday life – not some massive action or change that readers would have to make to see the benefit.

    Most people don’t like to think or do a lot of work, but they still want the benefits of what something will give them.

  19. Anonymous Avatar

    The first one, Craig:

    52 Ways To Win, Where Everybody Else Loses

    Every soccer-mom knows: Altruism vanishes with the prospect of winning

    Call me an optimist
    Michel DuBil

  20. MattC Avatar

    “52 Thoughts to Change Your Life”

    Simple, direct, and to the point!

  21. JimDaddy Avatar


    Cal me crazy, but I didn’t read the first one as “your winning makes everyone else lose.” I saw it as you can win where others have lost. Maybe my thinking is too esoteric here, but that is the one that would motivate me to look further.

    I find number two too fluffy and number three too wimpy.

  22. Anonymous Avatar

    52 Thoughts To Change Your Life

    is the one I would choose, its simple, short and to the point.
    the headline is about me and that
    is what get my attention

  23. CareHomeMarketingExpert Avatar

    Hi Craig,

    I would choose 2 as it seems to offer a lot for a little, which appeals to most of us.

    1 has a benefit, but at the expense of others which I think would turn people off.

    3 is a close second to 2 mainly because is refers to your life which personalises it to me.

    I would chage the end of 2 to read in your life instead of just in life as I think that would improve it even more.


    Simon Beck

  24. Ben Avatar

    Number 1 for sure. Even idealistic people are selfish and want what’s best for them (whether or not they are willing to admit it.)

  25. Ben Avatar

    I pick #1. Even idealistic people are selfish and want what’s best for them (whether or not they admit it.)

  26. Matt Avatar

    The FIRST ONE!!

    Emotion ALWAYS outpulls in my tests.

    And number one has EMOTION.

  27. ralph cummings Avatar
    ralph cummings

    I think #1 will have the highest results. Number one is more aggressive, more competitive. I think more people are curious about what can make other people lose out and would respond to that message. The other 2 headlines are less aggressive and wouldn’t appeal as much to our base instinct. Thus not motivating people to act. The emotion of winning and your competition losing is very strong and very deep. Deeper than the feel-good platitudes in 2 and 3.

  28. ralph cummings Avatar
    ralph cummings

    I think #1 will have the highest results. Number one is more aggressive, more competitive. I think more people are curious about what can make other people lose out and would respond to that message. The other 2 headlines are less aggressive and wouldn’t appeal as much to our base instinct. Thus not motivating people to act. The emotion of winning and your competition losing is very strong and very deep. Deeper than the feel-good platitudes in 2 and 3.

  29. Chip Avatar

    Actually, I’d like to know what he was selling and who his target audience was first but if he was selling to me ….
    Number one. #’s 2 & 3 might be OK for a touchy-feely lady’s magazine but you’re trying to attract people that have money to spend. People like that want to win – they ARE winners and the most aggressive probably want to be the ONLY winners, even if they don’t say it out loud. They already know that the world is full of losers and they sure as heck don’t want to be one of them. A headline like that would spark a big emotion (greed)that would at least get them to read the rest of the letter. It’d sure work for me. :o)

  30. dboz32 Avatar

    I like the first headline the best. The reason why is it gives the impression that you have a leg up on the competition and you are able to get a win out of something they didnt even know

  31. Anonymous Avatar

    52 Ways To Win, Where Everybody Else Loses.

    That brings out the competitive spirit to get somehwere fast. It juist seems to me the strongest thing to say. The “nice guy” in me cringes a bit at “Everybody else loses.” But the other guy in me who wants to get somewhere quick thinks anything that can make me the winner should at least be looked at.

  32. Mickey Wong Avatar
    Mickey Wong

    Craig, without knowing what market these were tested in (unless I missed it in your email), it’s difficult to say which pulled the best.

    Sure, “52 Little Things That Make A Big Difference In Life” seems like it could be the winner… simple, little things = big rewards.

    However, if the market has a natural competitiveness streak then the first one might have done better.

    If it’s for a ‘general’ market then I opt for #2.

    Looking forward to the answer.

  33. Ian Pritchard Avatar
    Ian Pritchard

    Thank you Craig, I had no idea that not even you know which headline works until you run it.

    Number 3 is nebulous and has no promise of change in it. That’s a benefit that someone else already had with no mention that I could have it too.

    Number 2 is better, but not much.

    Gotta be number 1. If I can romp away from my neighbour, then that’s what I’ll selfishly do for me and those that I hold dear.

    On the other hand,,,,

    If the message goes to a new age journal aimed at people who are solely ingrained (or to a lesser extent – want to be only interested) with love and understanding for their fellow man….

    Well, then, I’m in no position to judge anything.

    Right message + right market = profits.

    Talking of which….

    It’s been a while since I heard anything from you about the practicalities of matching a message to a market.

    And I’d sure appreciate your advice.

    Best wishes to you.

    Ian Pritchard

  34. Loperman Avatar

    Dave below was right when he said “Only New Yorkers want to win at some else’s expense.”…Number one appealed to this New Yorker.

    To me both the others were too trite; the same stuff you get a dozen of every day in your inbin with no substance, just vague, half-hearted pablum.
    Harvey on Wall Street

  35. Mike Antoni Avatar
    Mike Antoni

    I’m going to go with “52 Thoughts To Change Your Life” because I think it offers a promise and cuts through the clutter. Also, it seems easy.

    Just a guess, it does depend on who is being marketed to of course.

    Mike Antoni

  36. Rachel Avatar


    My vote is for #3.


    #1 is obviously very negative. I don’t think most people would find that compelling.

    #2 is to vague. Life? Whose life?

    #3 solves #2’s problem, making it about “Your” life. #3 also “makes it easy”. It implies that the thoughts alone can change your life. (Wow! No action required?)


  37. Anonymous Avatar

    #1 not because of the 2nd, negative part, but because everyone wants to win. My second choice would be #3. #2 is too boring.

  38. Anonymous Avatar

    I like me some of the 1st one.

    It’s the one that when I check
    in with my body tells me would
    be drawn to the next sentence
    to see what the hell is this
    guy’s schtick.

  39. Anonymous Avatar

    I have to go with # 1. Becuase it’s positive, in a down time where people are losing here is how you can win. Once again it depends on your audience though. Line one apeals to people with a need for success # apeals to those people who want to make the biggest change with the littlest effort. # 3 is just to bland and out there doesn’t make me want to read further.

  40. Eric Goettsch Avatar
    Eric Goettsch

    Craig–I agree with those who asked
    about the market before making a

    A list of buyers for Donald Trump
    or Robert Ringer products might
    go for the 1st headline, whereas
    the “Science of Mind” subscriber
    list might be drawn to something
    like #3.

  41. Michiel Avatar

    Number two wins. The first is too good to be true – not credible. The last sounds like something you’d give your mother, also it probably requires ‘thinking’ brrr, that sounds like work.

    Cheers friend,


  42. Mark Everett Johnson Avatar
    Mark Everett Johnson

    #1 appeals to envy, a powerful motivator, and to the drive to win in a competitive world. I believe this is the winner.

    #2 is only about “little things,” and the promise of making a big difference lacks the kind of specific benefit that drives response. If it was “52 little things that will make you rich,” “52 little things that make you thin,” etc., it might work.

    #3 is about changing your life. Sounds like your mother, your spouse or your minister telling you to shape up. People resist change in their own lives; it’s everyone else they want to change! Also change is about the process, not about the result or the benefit.

    I go with #1.

  43. Patrice Roy Avatar
    Patrice Roy

    Hi Craig,

    My bet is on the second: 52 Little Things That Make A Big Difference In Life.

    Keep up the great work

    Patrice Roy

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