When The Devil Is — And Isn’t — In The Details

Last week I showed you the advanced way to use specifics in your sales copy — meaning, how to specifically stimulate and push your prospects by triggering specific sensory emotions.

This, of course, is how you get people involved.

However, there is another part of this equation — and that is to make sure you’re being specific about the right things, and for the right reason.

I can’t tell you how much copy comes across my desk for review, and the writer has tried so very hard to connect — but they are putting their effort into connecting in the wrong places.

For instance, going on about how you struggled to get through college may be important if you’re selling a product about learning, but is nothing more than drivel if you’re selling a product that makes your lawn greener.

See where I’m going with this?

So for instance, I like reading Popular Science because there’s a lot of really cool-looking gadgets in there. I have no idea how most of them work, but they are very slick-looking. Well, the other day I tried — against my better judgment — reading one of the articles that describe how something works… and I disconnected a few lines into the description, after the word “steam.” Here, see it for yourself:

“There the blast of light boils water into steam that generates 11 megawatts of electricity…”

I just couldn’t handle this any more.

The same disinterest I have for this kind of information, is the same kind of disregard your prospects have for irrelevant trivia in your sales letters.

I should have just stuck to the pictures and the “what the thing does” ideas, and nothing more. And you need to do the same thing — just stick to the relevant info.

Keep this in mind moving forward and you’ll be focusing on the RIGHT things to say, instead of just saying things to fill up the page.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Check out my newest coaching group– these guys are going places. Here’s what Bob Maunsell Former Sergeant USAF, and president of the largest Security Group in Worcester, Massachusetts: “Craig, when I’ve talked with other “Gurus” (and believe me I’ve spoken with many), they always project their current personal and professional experiences as being “just FINE”, meaning they’re just Fearful, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional. You on the other hand, let everything hang out! You’re a real approachable, tell-it-like-it-is kind of guy and a breath of extremely refreshing air. You are TRULY a great coach!”

So get REAL with my other Mavericks , right here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/mavericks






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