What’s in a call?

After I sent out this morning’s e-mail, we received a number of inquires about the monthly Seductive Selling Coaching Calls, and the kind of information that’s covered on them.

The answer is, the calls cover LOADS of different topics, from direct response marketing-based items, to mindset and success issues, to copywriting — and everything in between.

Earlier on this year, we discussed How To Overcome Obstacles And Conquer Challenges… like I said, the next two months we’re going to have a VERY comprehensive discussion about writing lead generation reports (“FREE Reports”)… and last month we covered How To Posture And Position Yourself So You Can Consistently Charge And Collect Top-Dollar.

Here’s a comment we received from a member in Vancouver, Canada, after last month’s call:

“Hi Craig,
Thank you very much for your frank comments during your coaching call on the question I emailed to you. Your comments have made a huge impact on me & I’ve realized my lack of prosperity consciousness. I am now planning the necessary steps to get my thoughts & actions in order, and my business into the clouds….”

This fellow probably got a lifetime of benefits out of this call, and I’m absolutely thrilled for him. Don’t you deserve to feel the same way?

Again, if you want to get in on these calls and start experiencing similar changes in your own business and in your own personal growth and development, then get your hands on The Seductive Selling System NOW: http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Check out all the King’s products at http://www.kingofcopy.com/products

P.P.S. This month’s newsletter is almost finished and ready to ship to the printer. Inside you’re going to find a press release I wrote that was viewed over 103,000 times in 48 hours, along with proof of this claim. Test-drive it FREE now at http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl






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