Top 5 Sales objections you want to overcome:

Denial, definition: Medicine for the weak

For the denyer, it offers both sweet pleasure and relief – in not having to deal with something stressful or annoying. And at the same time, it brings inherent stress, because denial itself, keeps loops open. And “open loops” are, of course, the primary cause of stress.

The problem is, nothing moves forward if you’re in denial about something. You simply wind up standing right where you are, the sands of time grinding you down. Slowly, but very surely.

And when you’re writing sales copy and trying to sell in print, the same rules apply.

What I mean is, if you pretend something doesn’t exist, but it most definitely DOES exist, you’re going to blow your sale. Where I usually see this is when I’m doing sales copy reviews.

And one of biggest problems I see is when you’re denying “objections” that most definitely do exist. You see, just like in “real life”, ignoring a problem, doesn’t make it go away like it never existed before.

In other words, just because you don’t want to deal with the fact your kid is smoking weed… it doesn’t mean your kid’s NOT smoking week.

Make sense?

Good, because when it comes to selling — denial’s no different. It’s gonna cost you.

If you’re ignoring an objection your buyer has, in some ways… it can actually imply you must be lying about it.

Let’s take a look at a few examples.

1. Claims – Any idiot can, and every idiot in fact, does… make absolutely absurd claims.

To the point where, this is an instant flag for your buyers to start ignoring you and just assume you’re full of crap.

So if your claims are outrageous, just assume this is an inherent objection.

But if the claims are real, than it’s not a big deal: Just explain and support the claims as many ways as you can, and back them up with a rock-solid guarantee.

Problem solved.

2. Price – Why is yours so high… or, so low? There must be a reason.

Let ’em know.

What, you think if you don’t address why your cigars are $40 each, when the average cigar price runs $6-$12, that no one’s going to notice?

I don’t think so, sonny.

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3. General skepticism over your credibility

Why should your buyer believe you? What right do you have to be offering this?

Gotta let ’em know — especially when you’re not selling a commodity product.

4. Your product doesn’t match up to your competitors

When does this happen?

The answer is simple: when you’re in an industry where lots of your competitors are lying about what they’re selling. (I know, this doesn’t happen a lot, right?)

In this case, you’ve got a lot of work to do, because coming right out and calling everyone a liar doesn’t look very good, or appear too believable.

If you do this, you look like Richard Sherman did last week, after the Seahawks won and he was interviewed. In other words, you don’t look very classy.

You gotta let ’em know what’s going on, but… you have to be careful how you address things like this.

5. Why should they buy now?

This is one of the toughest ones — especially online.

Your best shot at this (besides the fact that the product won’t be available at all, after a certain date), is either a sharp price increase is coming soon… or a very cool bonus is available now, but not later.

The thing is, if you aren’t answering or at least addressing these issues — meaning if you’re in “denial” about them — then you’re leaving a whole mess of unanswered doubt in your buyers minds. And the last thing you want your prospect to have — especially if you’re offering something high-priced — is doubt.

Because doubt usually equals “no sale.”

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Now go sell something, Craig Garber

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