The Truth About Cloning – If You’re Ready For It

Important: Watch Out For My Free Teleseminar post later on today. It’ll have the subject line, “Do NOT Read This Unless You Are Already Filthy Rich!”

You’ll want to register for it IMMEDIATELY, since the number of phone lines I have available is FAR less than the amount of people who will register to be on the call. Now lets get busy…

I’m not a beer drinker. Never have been.

In fact, I’m not really a big drinker of any alcohol at all, outside of the proverbial social drink I’ll occasionally have.

But I’m a very small minority. In fact, it simply amazes me how many people consistently drink — and how much they consistently drink. I mean, maybe my coping mechanisms aren’t as swift as the average person’s, but life’s just tough enough being sober, you know what I mean?

The thought of trying to do what I do — between work, family, writing, business, reading — with a buzz on most of the time, is literally impossible to fathom. To me, it’d be like holding your breath while you’re out jogging — just isn’t going to happen.

Anyway, I know I’m a minority because a few weeks ago I was in my local 7-11 during the evening rush hour, and almost every single person that came in (male and female), left with a 12-pack underneath their arms.

And seeing how all these people and the clerk behind the counter were either on a first-name basis, or very friendly with one another, you can only assume this is a regular – maybe even nightly – deal.

But really, that’s neither here nor there. What I want to talk to you about today is cloning. Not cloning as in, “hey, pass the cute little furry sheep over here”, but cloning as in, cloning your business, or… part of your business.

And many of the biggest beer companies out there — unbeknownst to you… are smart enough to clone themselves to grow their revenues.

For instance, there’s a Belgian-style beer out there called “Blue Moon.” It’s an independent “craft” brew, that’s gaining popularity. (Probably selling hoards of it right now as we’re speaking, down at that 7-11 I told you about.)

What people don’t realize however, is that Blue Moon is as independent as a politician on the take. It’s manufactured in Canada by Molson Coors, the third largest brewing company sales-wise, in the U.S.

And unlike some of Molson Coors other beers, Blue Moon sells at a premium. About 50% more than “traditional” beers. So in this case, not only have they CLONED their business, but they’ve niched this new business to a higher demographic — and I’m sure they’re using different marketing to reach this segment, different distribution channels, all that jazz.

After all, can there ever REALLY be “enough” beer in this world?

I think not, silly.

I would bet you can do the same thing in your business as well. Even if all you do is re-package the same thing to a different marketplace — women… children… ethnic-groups… more affluence… people with less money… short people… stupid people… whatever. You CAN do this.

“Cloning” yourself is one of the smartest things any business can do — that’s why franchises are so successful.

See, the only limits you’re going to have here, are the limits you place on yourself. Self-limiting beliefs cause FAR more failures than actual limits do.

In this months Seductive Selling Newsletter, which you can only get your hands on for THREE more days, you can read an incredibly uplifting story about how NOT having self-limiting beliefs has completely changed the lives of one of my Mentoring Group members and his family. His future is brighter than EVER before, simply by not having limits. Read all about it, and try it for free, here:

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Avoid the price hike: The Seductive Selling System is going up by $100 bucks on December 8th. Get it NOW:






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