The Evil That Men (Don’t) Do.

43 years ago today marked the date of one of the most devastating and sordid crime sprees ever to take place.

Kitty Genovese, a 28-year-old woman, was stabbed to death in New York City.

According to the papers, the same killers who attacked Genovese, committed three more crimes over the next 30 minutes, even though 38 people witnessed what was going on.

Not ONE of the bystanders offered their help. They said they either “didn’t want to get involved”… or they were too afraid to call the police — even though the criminals went back to the scene of the crime THREE MORE TIMES, just to make sure the job was finished.

One person did call, but only after the woman was already dead.

Do you want to know why people are less likely to do something when they’re in a crowd?

It’s a very simple answer that goes back to the dynamics of human interrelationships, and what makes people do things (which I discuss in The Seductive Selling System at ).

It has to do with sociological rules that basically say when people are part of a group, any responsibility they may individually feel, is actually shared and distributed amongst the group. And in fact, it’s one of the reasons why so many people can literally walk across and step over homeless people downtown during rush hour, and no one feels compelled to do anything.

Funny how humans, in groups, feel less responsible to take action… yet animals in groups feel compelled to protect and look after one another. Strange, isn’t it?

I’ve been part of these same dynamics myself — no one is immune to them, but it’s knowing how to take advantage of these human dynamics that lets you persuade your prospects to take the specific actions you want them to.

Are you as competent in this area as you should be?

The choice is yours.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Check out all the King’s products at

P.P.S. This month’s newsletter is almost finished and ready to ship to the printer. Inside you’re going to find a press release I wrote that was viewed over 129,201 times in less than 1 month! Test-drive it FREE and get $1,391 Dollars worth of gifts at






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