Today we’ll continue taking a look at some of the 19 qualities that lead you to success, as mentioned in the new bestselling book, “Succeed On Your Own Terms” by Herb Greenberg and Patrick Sweeney.
Empathy –
Greenberg and Sweeney talk about being able to put yourself in your prospect’s shoes, and they are right — this is EXTREMELY important, but not in the context they talk about it in.
In your MARKETING, being empathetic is BY FAR, the most important emotional buy-button you can push, and in fact, I spend a tremendous amount of time showing you how to do this and explaining why it’s CRITICAL to your marketing, in The Seductive Selling System which you can find at
Remember, your prospects don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care, and being able to effectively show them how much you care is one of the bedrock principles explained in the Seductive Selling System.
Competitiveness –
While Greenberg and Sweeney proffer that wanting to do better than your opponent gives you an extra dimension, I disagree.
See, I believe there really IS no competition. I subscribe to the principles found in The Science Of Getting Rich, which says the world is an abundant place and has enough goods and resources in it, to keep EVERYONE fat, dumb and happy, if they so choose. In my world, there is no competition.
The other thing is that most successful entrepreneurs I know, myself included — are FAR more competitive with themselves, than with anyone else. We measure numbers regularly, and usually have several benchmarks of comparison to constantly check our performance against. We are harder on ourselves than anyone else, and THAT is how you bring home the bacon, bubba.
Oh, and if you want to check out The Science Of Getting Rich, rest assured it’ll be the best 10 bucks you’ve ever spent:
Patience –
Again, here the authors say you need to be patient because “Good things come to those who wait.”
Personally, I think that’s a sucker’s game. I say you need to be IMPATIENT. People who are impatient don’t sit around “waiting” for something to happen, they’re consistently in motion MAKING things happen. And if they have to sit and wait, they’re usually onto the next thing that’s getting them closer to where ever they’re trying to go, or creating something new that will bring them in business from somewhere else.
In business, if you snooze you lose, and waiting isn’t something ANY of the folks I know, are good at or are comfortable with.
SIX DAYS LEFT! You only have SIX days left to get your hands on this month’s Seductive Selling Offline Newsletter. Take a free 30-day test drive and get $1,391 Dollars worth of Free bonus gifts, and discover:
• The WORST Ad I’ve ever seen!
• Why I’ve found the perfect guy for my ex-wife!
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• Why “D” really IS for “dysfunctional!”
• And… much much more!
Check it out here:
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. Listen to my radio show on Thursdays at 1pm eastern time, or download prior episodes, here:
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