Small Business Marketing: This month's issue inside! Open up

Here’s the front page of this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter:

Seductive Selling January 2011 Front Cover
Seductive Selling January 2011 Front Cover

Seductive Selling is approaching the start of it’s 6th year being published, and it’s now read in 14 countries world-wide.  You can test-drive it free for 30 days, and when you do this, you get loads of freebies, including CDs, DVD, other back-issues, two copywriting and marketing critiques, and loads of other goodies, which you’ll find right here.

The guarantee that comes with Seductive Selling is, if you don’t make at least $15,000 from the information in it during the course of a year, then let us know and we’ll refund every penny.  The lessons are yours to keep, however.

Between this, and the freebies, and the overwhelming content inside every issue, it’s hard not to take the free test-drive, isn’t it?  Add to that, here’s what you’re missing in this month’s issue:

*  First, the Audio Success CD of the month is a terrific interview with a “regular guy” who’s built his property management business up from ZERO to over 432 units, in just two years.  He’s also been on the Fortune 5,000 list, twice.  And he has some VERY good information to start your New Year off with.

*  Second, there are 17 pages of copywriting and marketing examples this month – like I said, when I go all out, I really go “all out.”  We cover selling, marketing, making offers, direct-mail, writing advertorials and layouts, display ads, packaging, scarcity, and a LOT more – and that’s just on these examples!

*  The issue itself is called “Good vs. Evil, Part 1” which refers to a promotion that rallies buyers by unifying them ‘against’ something else.  (Which is a great technique to use, by the way.)  Also, inside:

*  The right path… and the wrong path to go down when using this ‘divide and conquer’ strategy.

*  What to put on the front of an envelope if you’re using direct mail — and… what NOT to!

*  How to create (and what to call) your order forms (hint: it’s NOT “order forms”)

How to present options when you’re selling TWO different choices.  This one’s not as straight-forward as you think.

*  Winning at direct mail, and why it often has nothing at all to do with your marketing (or your copy)

*  An incredibly simple way of using scarcity that you can have in place in the next ten minutes!  (on page 2)

*  The MOST important place to put your guarantee – without this, you dramatically lower your chances of making a sale.  And yet, 99.9% of all entrepreneurs don’t do this.

*  3 things you MUST know about using “lift letters” (both online AND offline)

*  THE best font to use when you’re marketing to baby boomers (age 40 and up), and why

A secret question to ask that keeps your sales copy on track and relevant to what you’re selling

*  What’s on my night stand right now?  2 Books to read that short-cut your success

*  How to “transition” between your body copy and your sales pitch

*  How to justify your prices on a bonus or giveaway item that precedes a continuity sale (VERY important)

*  The truth behind creating advertorials and what REALLY makes them work (Page 5)

*  In this month’s Q & A Column:

–  Quirky printing issues

–  Examples of the old adage “Just sell the damn thing,” and how to apply this to your marketing, strategically

–  How to title a Free Report for lead generation: 2 hardcore rules you MUST obey, and… 11 different examples discussed and reviewed

*  In this month’s Weekend Update News Column:

–  How The U.S Turned Into Communist China

–  Long-term Impact of Reality TV finally revealed!

–  Give ’em a Ritalin, that’ll fix it

–  Cool URL’s, and… much more

*  And in this month’s Back-End Column:  2011, Exactly where you’re supposed to be.

All this and a lot more I couldn’t mention inside this month’s issue, which you get to test-drive free when you act now.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S.  New year, new decisions to make.  And while I can’t say what your year’s going to look like, I can say if you keep on doing the same old thing, you’re going to get the same old results.  This, I promise.

So take your free trial now and get these 18 Bonuses (including TWO free copywriting critiques) — and discover why Seductive Selling NL is now read in 14 countries world-wide!  (watch the video and see all 18 bonuses you get)

Maximum Money FAQs

Maximum Money QAFs

NEW: Persuasion, lead generation, copywriting programs, marketing strategy and consulting on copywriting projects

If you enjoyed this, forward it on to a few of your friends and business associates.  And if you have any comments, just leave them here on my blog





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