Pamela Anderson’s Curse

So now the news is out, Pam Anderson and Kid Rock (Mr. Rock?) have split up after 4 months (that’s almost 125 days!) of marital bliss.

My, my – who’d have ever thought that would happen?

The thing is, the same way kids model themselves after superstar athletes and fashion divas, Americans are SOO obsessed with pop culture and celebrities, it’s a contributing factor to the high rate of divorce we’re experiencing. If Pam Anderson can get into and out of marriages faster than she can get into and out of a car lease, then why shouldn’t everyone else expect this to be the norm?

After all, we model our clothes after celebrities… our expressions… our thoughts on world politics and religions… what we’re eating… raising children… the influence is HUGE. Marriage and divorce are no different.

When you see this enough, it becomes the norm. It’s what Cialdini calls “Social Proof” in “The Psychology Of Persuasion”. He says, and I quote, “The tendency to see an action as more appropriate when others are doing it normally works quite well. As a rule, we will make fewer mistakes by acting in accord with social evidence than contrary to it. Usually, when a lot of people are doing something, it is the right thing to do.”

This, by the way, is why testimonials are so effective.

Let’s face it, marriage — and relationships in general — are difficult. You need to be constantly committed, and you need to work to make them thrive. Two things that don’t come easy for most people.

Heck, I’ve got a GREAT marriage and we still need to “work it” or else it’ll stop working. And so does Pam. No matter HOW hot she is.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

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