Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
I Can Go Longer. Does This Mean It’s Working?
So here I am about 7 or 8 spinning classes under my belt. I no longer feel like my lungs are going to explode after 10 minutes — in fact, I don’t really start looking at the clock and wishing the classes were over until 30 to 35 minutes into the whole deal. Instead of…
Why Teens Crack.
According to a study conducted by well-known study experts MTV Networks, 57% of 16 to 34-year olds are unhappy with “the way things are now,” and over half are “stressed out.” Ironically, the more industrialized countries like Japan, the UK, America and Germany, have far less happy teens than less developed countries like Mexico, Argentina…
Are We Ever REALLY ‘Ready’?
Today and tomorrow I’ll be meeting with my Mastermind and Mentoring Group here in Tampa at the Grand Hyatt. I really enjoy these meetings because I get to see a great group of VERY motivated entrepreneurs moving forward with their businesses — and with their lives, and this is not only rewarding, it’s also very…
Chew On This, Spud
Here’s a few interesting facts to chew on and discuss during your day: * Did you know men are more than twice as likely as women are, to get up and crawl down to retail stores by 4am to try and get bargains the day after Thanksgiving? Duh! That’s because women don’t know how to…
6 Months In Heaven, Or 6 Months On The House
Top dating site match.com, is now offering a killer guarauntee as incentive to get new customers to sign up. They’re saying, “We’re so sure you’ll meet someone special within 6 months, that if you don’t, we’ll give you 6 months free.” There are a few cursory rules that go along with this — all of…
Where's The Passion, Where's The Fire? Snuffed out.
A few days ago, my son’s high school wrestling team had a meet here at home against another local team. It was a very close competition, our guys losing by ONE match, at the very end. One of the things I noticed was that during the closest matches, the other team was up and cheering…
A Curious Story About The Mayonnaise Jar & The Two Cups Of Coffee
This story came to me from one of my coaching group members, Bill Bowman from Apex North Carolina. I think you’ll like it — especially as an uplifting way of closing out your week. When things in your life seem almost too much to handle… when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember…
How To Pollute Your Brain: Why The Newspaper Sucks
About 18 months ago when we moved from our house just outside of Fort Lauderdale, to our lake-home here just outside of Tampa, I began reading the local paper again. I’d stopped for many many years, but I wanted to get a sense of “what’s going on” here in our new home area, and I…
Is Bill O’Reilly’s Head COMPLETELY Up His Ass?
I know a lot of people like Bill O’Reilley. And I know this posting will offend many of his fans, but frankly… I don’t care. This isn’t about conservative versus liberal… “left-wing” against “right wing”… justice against corruption… AFC versus NFC. Not at all. Nonetheless, what I have to talk to you about is something…
A $48.53 Stupid Mistake I Regretted
Of all the mistakes I’ve made, this one I should have known better, because there were too many signals ahead of time about what was to come. Last weekend, Anne and I went out to dinner. We hadn’t been to this place before so we figured we’d give it a try. It’s a local steakhouse…
Do THIS, And ONLY This — And That’s It. O.K.?
This past weekend, I spent Saturday morning checking out the very first show of this year’s Ringling Brothers And Barnum & Bailey Circus season’s tour, with my wife and daughter. It was nothing shy of fantastic, and you’d never know this was the show’s first stop, because from my perspective, everything went off without ANY…
Dwight Miller – Listen to his experience with Craig Garber from kingofcopy.com!
Here's an unsolicited video story I received from one of my members. What's your story going to sound like? The choice is yours.
Even Betty Crocker’s Doing IT
When you think of Betty Crocker, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? If you’re a baby-boomer like I am, “cooking,” right? Old-style traditional cooking — mom wearing an apron while hustling around the house, in between her cleaning and shopping chores, and fussing over her hubby’s meals is probably what you’re picturing. But…
What Dick Clark Doesn’t Have A CLUE About!
I remember as a kid growing up in New York City, it was always such a thrill to watch Dick Clark broadcasting on Channel 7 ABC, directly from Times Square. And even though it’s not so thrilling any more, and Dick’s probably seen better days, New Years Eve is always exciting. This New Year’s Eve,…
How To Get EVERYTHING Done In 2007
Yesterday I revealed a couple of reasons why some people are always getting stuff done, and why others seem to sit around watching the world pass them by. For most people, life is what John Lennon said, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” The strategies we talked about were:…
Dateline: 5:21 am, January 2nd 2007
Why is it that some people never seem to get moving on things, never seem to make the kind of progress they want, while others make more progress than seems possible? Today I’m going to tell you a little secret how they do it, and how YOU can do the same thing in 2007, if…
Should Old Acquaintance Be Forgot? Yes.
So the New Year is upon us and again, a bevy of choices and resolutions will be made. Goals will be set and dreams will be dreamt. One of the surest ways of squashing your dreams and killing your future is in fact, by NOT forgetting your old acquaintances. You need to kick those folks…
A Dismal Forecast For 2007 – Make Sure Y
Here’s something that’s disturbing. Some recent government statistics indicate that television is the favored media of the average American, but what’s even WORSE is that during the next 12 months, the average American is going to spend approximately 4 ½ hours a day watching TV. This is far more than they’ll spend listening to radio…
I Truly Thought I’d Taken My Last Breath On This Earth
As youthful as I feel, and as good overall health and condition as I’m in — especially (sadly) compared to most of my peers, I notice signs of myself getting older. For instance, I don’t “feel” as bald as I am, and I don’t “see” it when I look in the mirror, but I sure…
He Really Was A Sexs Machine.
Hope you had a great Christmas. I spent my holiday just relaxing around the house with Anne and the kids. We actually had a tornado-like storm down here, so the weather wasn’t really conducive to anything else, although the day before I did go out fishing with my younger son and daughter and I actually…
Got any book recommendations?