Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Here Is The Critical Difference Between Selling And Marketing:
For some folks this may not make any sense — many people think “selling” and marketing are one in the same, but this is NOT the case. You see selling has to do with things like “closing” itself, or positioning yourself for the close. Selling involves pro-active effort, is sometimes confrontational, and you often have…
22 Ways To Completely Eliminate ALL Your Marketing Headaches!
There are LOADS of routine problems and frustrations entrepreneurs have when it comes to marketing. For many, the big one – the pink elephant in the room if you will – is “How to get clients” in the first place. Another question is how to convert prospects to buyers… Still another big one is how…
How To Kick The Crap Out Of Your Competition
Both of my sons wrestle. My older son, Nick, is slightly taller than me, but weighs about 40 pounds less. Most of that actually IS muscle, but I’d be lying if I didn’t take credit for carrying 15 pounds of extra flab there. But this isn’t about my waistline issues. So last night, Nick decided…
The History Of New Wave Music — Subtle Insightful Marketing At Work
You know, the 1970’s was kind of an awkward decade, especially with respect to music. Recovering from the turbulent 1960’s — which brought growth and a host of positive changes to music — the 1970’s is known for being lackluster and stale. For instance — remember disco and leg warmers? Socks with toes? Tube tops…
It Was 20 Years Ago Today,
Actually it was 33 years ago yesterday, that The Beatles landed ashore here in America. A TRUE rags-to-riches story, The Beatles started their career playing in the cellar of a Liverpool jazz club in late 1962 for a whopping $20 bucks a week. A mere 15 months later, by the time they visited the U.S.,…
Cold, Sweet And Wet
If you went into your local grocery store and strolled down the ice cream aisle, you’d probably see NO less than 50 different brands available, probably more. And of those 50 brands, a small handful of them — say 5 or so — would be “upscale” brands. Upscale ice cream usually means pricey ice cream…
Why Size DOES Matter, Baby
Ever meet someone who talks and talks and talks and goes on for what seems forever? For some reason when people are like this, they are REALLY like this — meaning, they won’t go on a little bit — they’ll go on pretty much forever, filling up whatever air time you give them, until you…
A Buyer’s A Buyer’s A Buyer – Even For The Bad Guys
Great Superbowl yesterday, wasn’t it? Glad I wasn’t sitting there having plunked down a thousand bucks for tickets, only to get soaked for 4 hours. And what was up with that bad looking kerchief impersonating as a doo-rag, Prince was wearing? Obviously, he was going for the “Little Richard” look, but if he really wanted…
A Simple Lesson, But Often Those Are The Best, No?
Today I have a simple story to tell you. Maybe it’ll help you, maybe not, let me know. As you probably know, yesterday I broadcast my first radio show. As far as performances go, by no means was it close to even “good” for me. But… for a first show, it was definitely a solid…
LAST Day You Can Get This, Forever!
Today is the absolute LAST day you can get your hands on the January issue of my Offline Seductive Selling Newsletter, AND my Audio Success CD of the month interview with John DiLemme, a motivational speaker who lectures world-wide — and who was diagnosed as a stutterer until he was 19 years old. Here’s just…
For Some, Desperation Is The Mother Of All Action
Some people are inspired to action by important things in their lives. That’s pretty much how I am now. However, at one point, I was inspired to action by desperation, and I think a lot of people — maybe most people — get their start this way. Here’s what happened: It was 1990 and I’d…
Just Grab Your Balls And Do It
Not my words, but powerful indeed. They were spoken by Jeff Pettitt from Kent, England. Jeff’s a man who doesn’t mince words and gets right to the point. It’s why he was one of the TOP referees in England for 15 years and it’s why he runs such a tight ship in his businesses. A…
Now THIS Is Pure Kool-Aid Sippin’ Devotion
I’ll tell you what, those Starbucks fans are really sippin’ the kool-aid, for sure. You know, no matter how many times I hear that “people go to Starbucks for the experience”, I just don’t understand it. Maybe I’m a retard or something, but WHAT experience? You get to stand on line for 20 minutes to…
You CAN Live Like This, But Who The Hell Wants To?
Some people, no matter how successful they are, spend their entire lives cloaked in poverty consciousness. I often see a lot of these folks at various seminars. Dripping with success, yet living their life as if they’re just getting by, week-to-week. Nickel-and-diming absolutely every decision they make, sleeping peacefully at night knowing they’ve gotten the…
Do NOT Read This Unless You’re Interested In My Mastermind Group
Last week we had our first quarter Mastermind meeting, and frankly, new testimonials, feedback, comments and “thank you” messages have been pouring in ever since. The truth is, I have a hard time keeping up with them at this point. Since it’s INFINITELY more important what other people have to say about me (except my…
This Really Was A Magical Moment.
14 Years ago today, I had my first date with my wife. We went out and had dinner and a couple of drinks, and talked and talked and talked until 3am. We necked in the front seat of my car like teenagers, listening to music and giggling. It felt like time was frozen, and yet,…
Monster Love: Real Controversy Or Simple Discomfort?
In this month’s OFFLINE Seductive Selling Newsletter, I talk a lot about reality TV and its impact on your marketing and on the marketing persona you need to portray, if you’re looking to communicate with your prospects successfully. The other day though, I read about a new reality show that’s cloaked in controversy. It was…
An Open Letter To Every Non-Believing Skeptic On My List.
Let’s face it: when it comes to “marketing”, everyone’s a supposed “expert”, right? So, what winds up happening is, in the end, you get hit with so many messages every single day… so many choices… and so many chances to order something, it’s a lot easier to be safe than sorry, and simply choose “delete”,…
Why Knock?
This morning, I was upstairs in my office working, when suddenly I heard the dogs barking. I knew this meant either someone was at the door or one of the neighborhood dogs was walking outside past our house. Sure enough, someone was ringing the doorbell. I came downstairs and noticed a white van had pulled…
A VERY Sneaky, But Highly Effective Way To Sell Under The Radar
Yesterday I almost fell for a sales pitch that was very cleverly done. Here’s what happened: Over the course of any given month, I probably have my hands on 20 or more newsletters, magazines, or some kind of “subscription” based publications. One of these newsletters is about “trends” and consumer preferences, and it comes monthly.…
Got any book recommendations?