Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • It’s not supposed to go down like this.

    I’m outraged and disgusted about what happened at Virginia Tech earlier this week. Young men are not supposed to die before their fathers, and beautiful young women shouldn’t leave their mother’s sides when they’re still in college. That’s just not the natural order of things. You’re supposed to leave your kids behind, not the other…

  • I know EXACTLY how you feel — probably.

    A long time ago — in fact, far too long to remember now, I was listening to my friend’s father give him a lecture. The man said something like this, “A wealthy man doesn’t need to tell you how wealthy he is… a smart man doesn’t need to tell you how smart he is… and…

  • 60 down, 35 to go?

    2006 marked the year the first Baby Boomers turned 60. Our generation (I’m one of the last boomers, born in November 1963. The boomer era “ended” 12/31/1963.) has been one of the most consumer-driven generations in history. According to the 2007 Research Alert Yearbook, here are some marketing themes currently influencing consumer trends, and many…

  • Don’t listen to my radio show today.

    About 6 months ago I was at a meeting speaking about lead generation. Most of the people spent the entire hour sitting there scribbling down notes. At the end of the meeting, a number of people asked how they could “get” more of me, and so I gave them two options: One, if they were…

  • Why get five, when you have to work just as hard to get 25?

    Most people don’t think about this, but they ought to. You see, marketing is a numbers game, first, before anything else. For example, last week I had a client here for a full day of consulting and they were asking me if the cost of advertising they were going to incur using direct mail, would…

  • Woke up this morning, got myself a gun.

    If you recognize the subject line of today’s tip then you’re probably a fan of the Sopranos television show, which ran the first episode of this season (its final season) last night. The Sopranos is one of the few TV shows I watch. The story lines are excellent, as is the character development, which of…

  • Feels so good, feels so right — why stop?

    Last week I had a couple of clients in my office for a day of consulting, and something very interesting came up. They told me they sent out a mailing piece that did well, and they pulled in somewhere north of $250,000 dollars in real estate commissions from it. My first response to this was,…

  • A fool short the next day, too.

    Yesterday I posted a few different April Fool’s stories and I asked you to tell me which one of them was true and which wasn’t. Here again, was that first story: One: In 1998 Burger King published a full-page advertisement in USA Today announcing the introduction of a new item to their menu, called the…

  • A Day Late and a fool short:

    Tell me which one of these April Fools stories are true, and why (no peeking, O.K.?): One: In 1998 Burger King published a full-page advertisement in USA Today announcing the introduction of a new item to their menu, called the “Left-Handed Whopper,” which was specifically designed for the 32 million left-handed Americans. According to the…

  • Today Is The LAST Day This Will Be Available

    Today is the absolute LAST day you can get your hands on the March issue of my Offline Seductive Selling Newsletter, AND this month’s Audio Success CD of the month interview with Mike Miget — who took his success in the mortgage business and leveraged it into a coaching program for other loan officers, and…

  • Lead Generation Strategies: Last Chance

    If you generate leads as part of your business, in ANY way shape or form, then you MUST be aware of something that’s VERY relevant, and that will no longer be available in less than 48 hours. On this month’s Seductive Selling Coaching Call, we had a VERY in-depth conversation about generating leads, and as…

  • Anal Retentives Will Love This One (Ouch!)

    Today I’m going to reveal something that’s going to be able to increase your sales almost instantly, and the more organized and anal retentive you are, the more you’ll love this technique. In fact, if you’re anal and have OCD, you might be working on this one for the next several weeks until you get…

  • Walk the walk… talk the talk. Here’s an extra $305K for you — minimum.

    Last week (on Friday I believe), we talked about how much consumers rely on other consumers for social proof and credibility. I think for certain products it was something like 73% of all buying decisions are made based on these third-party “testimonials” and social proof. I recently received a VERY thoughtful e-mail from a client…

  • Lonely? Nerd? Clown? Jock?

    It’s not easy being a successful entrepreneur. The workload is frankly sometimes overwhelming. Keeping track of umpteen different projects going on all at once — each one in a different stage… preparing for and delivering in-person presentations… writing daily tips… writing for clients… finishing up books… consulting… the list is virtually endless. Oh, and of…

  • Who Do You Trust? You’d be surprised.

    According to Compete, a marketing research firm, 71% of all consumers admit to being influenced by opinions of other consumers. 73% are influenced by “industry experts” which is, to some extent, more a function of perception than reality (one of the best ways to be an expert is by writing a book, by the way).…

  • On Bleating Sheeps And Odds and Sods.

    There’s a curious man in my Mastermind Group named Jeff Pettitt. On the surface, he’s a pretty tough fellow. Big guy, clears six-foot easy and then some, lean and tough as nails. The kind of lean that makes boxers hard and effective, not lean as in “skinny.” Not wimpy by any means, yet a proper…

  • True Dat

    Once a shrewd marketer… always a shrewd marketer… Today’s tip is the story of a very successful entrepreneur who’s not afraid to go out on a limb and be completely unconventional. There’s this 63 year-old ex-Vietnam veteran out in Texas named Herb Vest. In 2001, Herb sold his last company, H. D. Vest, to Wells…

  • Silent night… Silent Life.

    Yesterday I got a TON of work done. After waking up early, I worked on some client projects of mine, and then one of the members of my Mastermind Group, Brian Deacon, came down for a full day of consulting, and Brian was also nice enough to be my guest on my radio show. (If…

  • LIVE: Less Than 1-Hour Left!

    Join me on my radio show, the Seductive Selling Marketing Hour For Entrepreneurs, LIVE at 1 pm Eastern time! Listen in at http://www.kingofcopy.com/radio I’ll have a special guest with me in the studio: Brian Deacon, who runs a Homeowners Maintenance Program for upscale homeowners here in the Tampa / St. Petersburg area, and who’s an…

  • LIVE In The Studio Today!

    Join me on my radio show, the Seductive Selling Marketing Hour For Entrepreneurs, LIVE at 1 pm Eastern time! Listen in at http://www.kingofcopy.com/radio I’ll have a special guest with me in the studio: Brian Deacon, who runs a Homeowners Maintenance Program for upscale homeowners here in the Tampa / St. Petersburg area, and who’s an…

Got any book recommendations?