Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Forgiveness is on every street corner.

    You know, a lot of people feel I’m a hardass about some things. And frankly, when it comes to business, I am. The truth is, you need to be a hardass in business, because in business, “soft” and “successful”… don’t necessarily mix together to create something good, any more than chocolate and mustard mix well…

  • An Open Letter To Isaac Larian…

    If you are the parent of a girl under age 10, then you have no doubt, heard of “Bratz.” They are little dolls — typically they are girls dressed in skimpy clothing, with exaggerated feminine features (lips, hips, etc.), who are wearing a TON of makeup. In fact, truth be told, they look like little…

  • … But stuff people want, does.

    Caught ANOTHER bass last night — just a little peanut — but my daughter liked it anyway. (Doesn’t take much to be a hero to your 7-year old.) Yesterday we talked about how great ideas don’t sell, and that the ONLY thing that sells is stuff people want to buy, and how these two things…

  • Great ideas don’t sell.

    I’m back — been literally buried up to my eyeballs in work, but last night I went fishing after having a client in for a full-day of consulting, and the fish were REALLY hitting. After only a few minutes fishing off my dock, I pulled in 2 bass, and lost two more that wriggled off…

  • Here’s the very best way to get somebody to pay attention to you.

    Marketing is all about communications, and getting your prospects to pay attention to you. It’s about being able to cut through all the clutter in your prospects life, and get them to stop what they’re doing and listen to what YOU have to say. Here’s the thing though — most people are far too concerned…

  • How Do Those Euro Guys Do It?

    How do those European men do it? They always manage to look so graceful and slick, regardless of what they’re doing. I mean, I’m about as graceful as an elephant in an elevator, so perhaps my standard of comparison here isn’t really fair, but you see this all the time. Here’s what made me think…

  • Got Milk? Get Curiosity.

    So yesterday we talked about the benefits of conventional conversation, and how sometimes, saying things like “This too, shall pass”… and “”Every dog has his day”… and “You know, it really is always darkest before the dawn, right?” isn’t necessarily bad — in fact, saying tried and true clichés like this is often exactly what…

  • Diversify Your Bonds, Homie.

    Well I just got back from New York City last night — had a great time with my family, saw LOADS of sights and ate like… a KING! Anyway, here’s something you’ve probably seen a thousand times, yet never even given it a second thought: Ever go into your hotel room and take a look…

  • How to handle all the idiots you’re going to meet along the way.

    I’ve been having an absolute BLAST up here in New York, visiting some friends and mostly spending a ton of quality time with my family, which is as refreshing as a tall cold glass of ice-water after an intense workout. You know, a lot of times, being an entrepreneur is a lonely life. You don’t…

  • Again… it’s the market that makes this thing appealing.

    If I’ve said it once… I’ve said it a thousand times — targeting your services to individual slices of your marketplace, is far more effective than targeting everyone and just “hoping” for the best. Here, listen to this: A Dutch escort agency has just started a special “de-flowering” service, targeted to computer geeks. The owner…

  • Dignity Versus Deadlines Versus Parkinson’s Law…

    HOLY Cow! I was up late last night polishing off this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter, and lemme tell you this — you’re gonna EXPLODE when you read it, because I darn-near exploded putting it together. It absolutely ROCKS! Anyway, if you want to check it out go to http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl Like I said last week, I’m…

  • The Big Scramble And Bill Gates

    Today I’m smack dab in the middle of what I call, “The Big Scramble.” The Big Scramble is when you have like 12 things to do, and you’re gonna do them OR ELSE, and you only have time to complete 4 of them, yet somehow, by hook or by crook, you get all twelve of…

  • Life During Wartime

    In 1979, NYC alternative rockers Talking Heads released the album called “Fear Of Music”, which included the brutal single called Life During Wartime. This song ultimately became one of the anthems of alternative rock, even to this day. One thing’s consistent though — in wartime or during peace — human nature doesn’t change. For example,…

  • Blind — or blind ambition?

    Gosh I am busy. I’ve literally got so much going on, my head is spinning. My responsibilities are growing daily, and yet, somehow, I’m now taking more time off with my wife and children. Yesterday evening, I actually spent some time playing softball and chasing the dogs around the front yard with my daughter. I…

  • Today Is The LAST Day This Will Be Available

    Today is the absolute LAST day you can get your hands on the April issue of my Offline Seductive Selling Newsletter, AND this month’s Audio Success CD of the month interview with Brian Sacks — who recently sold his last information business for over 7 figures, and who’s currently got another SEVEN businesses he’s working…

  • Potential New Product Announcement

    The next two days I will be in full-day meetings with my Mentoring and Mastermind Group, here in Tampa, so I won’t be sending out any e-mails. Today I’ll be busy preparing a summary of what’s going on in my own business, to go over with them when the meeting ends. It’s a HUGE benefit…

  • That’s A Sucker’s Game

    Today we’ll continue taking a look at some of the 19 qualities that lead you to success, as mentioned in the new bestselling book, “Succeed On Your Own Terms” by Herb Greenberg and Patrick Sweeney. Empathy – Greenberg and Sweeney talk about being able to put yourself in your prospect’s shoes, and they are right…

  • At a crossroads — or looking over the cliff?

    There are many roadblocks and obstacles to overcome in life. If you’re the kind of person who looks at each of these obstacles, losses, or failures as “crossroads,” then you’re going to stop and pause, change direction and regroup, and then start moving forward once again on the road to your next success. On the…

  • What The Market Wants – Proof

    Yesterday was, BY FAR, the most popular radio show I’ve ever done. We literally had callers back to back, stacked up and waiting to get on the line with me. Now here’s what’s interesting about this: The lion’s share — in fact, the ENTIRE show yesterday — was devoted NOT to marketing, but to discussing…

  • For those about to rock — we salute you.

    I received several dozen replies to my comments yesterday regarding the terrible tragedy that happened at Virginia Tech. Some of them were — frankly, ridiculous… and others were a little overboard. But most of them were very sincere heartfelt comments sent in by men and women of varying ages, from all over the world, and…

Got any book recommendations?