O.K. I’m back in town… I’m full of juice… and there are only 55 days left in 2006 so watch out – Lord knows what’s going to come out of my mouth during that time.
Today I’ve got something very very cool to announce: From now on, I will no longer be posting my daily e-mails to my website archives. Instead, they will be posted to a a Blog called “Seductive Selling And The King’s Ramblings”, and you can find it here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/
You’ll also be able to make comments on the blog, so feel free to offer up your own opinion about whatever it is I have to say. Don’t worry about not agreeing with me, or — for that matter, don’t worry if you completely DIS-Agree with me. It’s a free world, and plus… frankly, since you don’t sign my paychecks, it’s not like I’m going to be losing any sleep over it either.
Let’s see what’s in my mental goodie-bag today…
Just got back in from The Information Marketing Summit in Atlanta, and one thing I ALWAYS appreciate is coming back home to Florida — in Atlanta it was cold, and even though the hotel was “nice”, the heat didn’t work. So no matter HOW high I cranked up the thermostat, I wound up sleeping with like 3 layers of clothing and when I woke up in the morning it felt like I was back living in New York City, 20 years ago.
I met a few new faces there, I got the chance to meet several members of mine in person (thanks for the book Ryan Harris, and thanks to Eric Ruth and Sean Greeley for lunch) and I had a chance to get to know a few people a LOT better and I formed some lasting friendships with a few other folks who my newsletter members will soon be hearing on a monthly Audio Success CD (thanks to “The Leads King” Bob Regnerus and to Alex Nghiem).
Now here’s something I heard over-and-over again at the event — both from newbies, and even from people who’ve been doing what they do, for a long while: “When are you qualified… and HOW do you make yourself the “expert” in your field?”
This is a challenge almost everyone in their particular industry, who makes it “big” has to deal with at one time or another. And let me just say this — (and it was something I covered extensively in last month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl )
Here goes: In case you’re wondering, I’m NOT an actual King. I don’t wear a crown… I don’t sit on a throne (excluding the potty, of course)… and I don’t have a scepter.
Some days, it seems like NO ONE listens to me, including my kids, let alone having an entire kingdom being at my beck-and-call.
I don’t have a bevy of servants carrying trays of food up to my office… and I only have one wife (and what a job SHE has, believe me). I do FEEL like a King on some days, but frankly, that’s a mutually exclusive conversation to this one.
The point is, just freakin’ MAKE yourself the expert and worry about it later. I — as King, of course — am giving you permission.
Regardless of how uncomfortable this may make you feel, rest assured you’ll suddenly feel MORE comfortable once the cash starts rolling in. And of this I feel VERY certain. Believe me, I’ve been on both sides of that equation so I know a little bit about what I’m saying here.
Do it now. Because, as one of my favorite sayings goes, “It’s far better to ask for forgiveness… than permission.”
‘Nuff said.
Now as you know, the price of The Seductive Selling System – http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive – is going up by $100 bucks VERY soon. And here’s what Frank Edwards, from Dover, England, had to say about this:
“Craig, if there’s anyone out there sitting on the fence — trying to decide if the Seductive Selling System is all it’s trumped up to be — then all I can say is… it IS all it’s trumped up to be — and more!
The DVDs and Audio interviews are FIRST CLASS.
They’re packed with so much REAL WORLD business advice, that you can’t possibly NOT get something life changing out of them. Now that may sound like a tired old cliché, but it’s TRUE. Just listening to entrepreneurs giving business advice and wisdom is truly inspiring.
The monthly Seductive Selling Newsletter is a fantastic resource and reference of business advice. And the Ad copy dissection you do is a copywriter’s WET DREAM!
The way you highlight the emotional hot-buttons in each piece is so educational — and really drives home the hot-buttons outlined in the manual.
I’m out of things to say about the whole package — so to anyone who’s thinking of making the INVESTMENT in the system — just buy it and LEARN!”
Thanks Frank, and if you want to hop on the same gravy train Frank’s now able to ride, then get on your stop, right here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive
Now go sell something, Craig
P.S. I will give you $1,391 Dollars worth of FREE bonus gifts, while this offer lasts: http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl
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