Wow, it’s July already. I let the end of the last month slip right out from under me.
I took Anne out of town for a nice long weekend as a well-deserved surprise and now I’m feeling pretty well rested.
I got a chance to watch some television over the past few days, and is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that Posh Spice’s Boobs are like THREE times the size they used to be?
Talk about a non-subtle adjustment — what’s inside there, two soccer balls? Yikes!
Lordy, give that surgeon an Amstel Light. Homina-homina.
Anyway, since I wasn’t around last week, and since this was a landmark issue, I’m going to give you one last chance to get your hands on last month’s Offline Seductive Selling Newsletter, and test-drive it for free.
Here’s what you’ll be missing if you ignore this:
• A VERY revealing piece (5 pages) from some actual journal pages of mine, literally just DAYS before my career broke WIDE open! This has been VERY insightful for several of my subscribers, including Cris Chico from Hollywood, Florida, who had this to say, amongst many other comments: “You took a step back to do what you love and in the end things worked out rather well… it was nice to hear that story… I am going thru a similar dilemma now… You also let us know how much and hard you work .. so often the gurus make us feel guilty because they pitch the lifestyle business.. sitting on the beach ..just collecting your coins…and yet we have too many beautiful days that we make the conscious decision to stay inside and work because we are committed to our goals… (especially in florida) kudos to you for letting us know that there are others fighting the same battles…”
• Find out how to research and create a niche information product with little to NO competition, for less than a $50 Dollar investment! (ANYONE can do this!)
• See part of a sales letter I wrote for the late Gary Halbert and how the same strategy is being used in another VERY similar product, today!
• Discover how to sell a product… that doesn’t even exist! Secrets so rare I doubt they have EVER been shared!
• On page 7 you’ll hear, first-hand, why Bob Parsons — CEO of — is full of crap! (He won’t put this on the next go-daddy television commercial, that’s for sure!)
• In Example 3 you’ll see how to position even the most mundane product (cat food) like the gold that’s inside the treasure chest — use strategies like this and you will attract more business than you want! (And yes, this IS possible!)
• How to get your mail envelope opened! Simple, VERY simple strategies that work! (Example 1A)
• Uncover easily accessible sources of LOADS of very well-done direct-response ads, for less money than a bad latte will coast you at Starbucks!
• Specific examples of common (and critical) mistakes typically made that prevent your marketplace from “matching” with your message! (Page 3)
Allright — enough already! If your business can’t benefit from any of this information, then unsubscribe from this list, because the info in June’s Newsletter simply doesn’t get any better than this, and today is THE last day you can get your hands on it, AND test-drive it for Free, right here:
Tomorrow I’ll reveal something astonishing… probably.
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. FINAL DAY to get your hands on this month’s test-drive and get TWO free copywriting critiques just for trying:
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