I know a lot of people like Bill O’Reilley. And I know this posting will offend many of his fans, but frankly…
I don’t care.
This isn’t about conservative versus liberal… “left-wing” against “right wing”… justice against corruption… AFC versus NFC.
Not at all.
Nonetheless, what I have to talk to you about is something that’s near and dear to many of my subscriber’s warm masculine hearts.
Today I have to talk to you about… boobs.
Not just any boobs, but women’s boobs.
Nothing lofty like religion or politics, just boobs. (Sorry, but underneath this savvy marketing veneer, I’m just a shallow, hormone-raging cigar-smoking guy at heart.)
Here, check this out: While discussing the results of a recent poll on his radio show on December 19th, O’Reilly’s co-host was mentioning that the poll showed 62% of all Americans will have a Christmas tree this year, but that most of the trees will be artificial.
O’Reilly’s response to this incredibly dull and mundane information was: “Yeah and here’s something they didn’t poll, but I know — that most women who like artificial trees have artificial breasts.”
I’m offended by this comment. Why is he being so judgmental here? It appears that O’Reilly’s trying to imply that women who have fake ta-ta’s are shallow and artificial, like fake Christmas trees, and this is simply NOT true. (And no, my wife is au natural, so this isn’t personal.)
Sheesh, you don’t need to be a statistical sampling genius, or an expert in quantum physics, to know that boobs and artificial Christmas trees are completely unrelated.
Or am I the one missing something?
I rest my case, and I’d like to suggest that in the future, if Mr. O’Reilly wants to insult an important subset of America — perhaps even the bedrock of what makes America simply GREAT, right now in the year of our Lord 2007, that he gives a little forethought to what he says before he opens his big fat mouth.
Look, no boobs — just a BIG set of brass balls — in this month’s Offline Seductive Selling Newsletter. Test drive it for fre.e, right now, and get a handful of VERY unusual gifts worth $1,361 Dollars, while this boobalicious offer lasts: http://kingofcopy.com/ssnl
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
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