Increase conversions using this one weird trick – works every time

It never fails – adding premiums to your offers always increases conversions, and boosts your sales.

The premium you use can be:

1. Directly related to your primary offer (your primary goods ands services):

For instance, a phone case with your cell phone…

Or a booklet about improving heart health when you’re selling vitamins…

2. Or completely unrelated, but relevant to your buyers just the same:

Like, a booklet about how to lower costs on health, auto, and property insurance, when you’re offering a Free Pest Control Audit to homeowners…

Or a new vacuum cleaner with the purchase of every new mattress…

But in either case, what’s important is:

  • You communicate CLEARLY what you’re giving away:

Meaning, you have to “sell” the premium almost as hard as you’re selling your primary goods and services.


Because how else will your buyer know how wonderful this premium is?

How else will they know why they’d be crazy to pass this offer up?

It’s not like they were born with this knowledge, right?

No, of course not.

I recently wrote a lead generation direct mail piece that got a 32.85% response, within the first 8 days. If you want to routinely get results like this, go here or here

Which means, if you don’t tell them, no one else will – so make sure you do.

  • And also, make SURE your premium has real actual value:

You can’t make chicken salad out of chicken shit, so don’t try.

All that’s going to do is piss people off and screw your reputation up.

I used this strategy in a consumer durable goods business, and wound up increasing the value of our average sale by 35.7%.

Normal industry average sale was $210, but using this strategy, our average sale was $285, give or take a dollar or two, depending on the day.

So don’t ignore Premiums – they work… like gangbusters.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Free: 12 Special Marketing Reports – download ’em here

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Cygnus X-1 – Rush (1977)

