I will DEFINITELY be one of these 26%. What about you?

There are lots of reasons people are uncomfortable with getting old (or maybe I should say getting “older”.)

Some of us are concerned about not having good health. The thought of being held hostage by your own body definitely is very disturbing.

Others are concerned about losing friends and family and ending up alone, and this… along with the pain of your losses, is also devastating for many of us.

But you know what. These aren’t concerns of mine at all. Not me.

I’m far too shallow for this. I have much more primal issues to be concerned about, like… will my plumbing work? And will my twigs and berries still function like… twigs and berries.

But I have good news for those of you who’s aging concerns, like mine, lie below the belt. See, according to a recent study completed by the National Social Live, Health, and Aging Project, 73% of all folks between ages 57 and 64 are still doing the horizontal bop… 53% of those folks between 65 and 74… and 26% of couples between 75 and 85 are still coitally engaged (bet you’ve never heard that expression before).

And golly gee, the good news just keeps coming! Get a load of this: the number ONE reasons for men and women having problems in this area, are ALL completely fixable by the big drug companies! (I knew I’d find ONE reason to like those guys before I died.)

For men, the biggest obstacle is obviously being able to keep the little soldier awake, and for women, low desire is the issue. (Although I know LOADS of guys my age who tell me their wives have that problem today, and I bet you do too, right?)

Anyway, as soon as I read this, YOU were the first person I thought about sharing this good news with, especially on a lovely Friday like today, and so I hope you’re as thrilled about all this as I am, and I hope your future’s as rosy as mine will be.

Now go sell something, Craig

P.S. ONLY a few days left to get your hands on this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter, and you do NOT want to miss this issue!! The front page article called “Do People Really Change?” will open your eyes about life, and how it really works — and you’ll also see how — once-in-a-while, the good guys DO win. Take a FREE test drive of it, and read all about it right here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl

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