Happy Anniversary

Today is my 13th wedding anniversary, and soon we will be leaving for a long weekend out of town, for our anniversary, and then for Father’s Day (which I may talk about tomorrow).

Here are a few items related to anniversaries and relationships:

I love the U.K. I have a number of clients over there, as well as folks in both of my coaching programs and my mastermind group. And of course, the love of my life is from England, so… the UK has been darn good to this Bronx boy.

But here’s something that’s going on over in England which is definitely “different.”

Apparently, dogs are now a part of many weddings — in some cases serving the role of “best man.” Pet London is a store in London, England, that outfits dogs for weddings in grand style. The owner, Melody Lewis, can dress a dog in a tuxedo or a lovely silk and lace bridesmaid dress.

In 2005, the company sold 700 dog tuxedos. In 2006, she sold over 500 bridesmaid dresses for dogs. And this stuff isn’t cheap!

Outfits for one-day dog wear can cost in excess of $1,000 U.S. Dollars.

Church of England priests have also given authority to include dogs in wedding ceremonies, specifically as ring bearers.

(Note to all women: If your future husband has a dog at your wedding, in the role as his best man, consider yourself warned that he MAY… have relationship issues that will rear their ugly head later on.)

Here’s some other relationship information that’s interesting: An online survey of 1,001 married adults, taken by Insight Express for Reader’s Digest earlier this year, asked what the three most important factors for a successful marriage are, and here are the results:

Trust – 63%

This one isn’t surprising, but it IS surprising only 63% of the people surveyed feel trust is one of the most important ingredients for a successful marriage. Sheesh, you can’t have ANY kind of relationship without trust.

I think the number came in so low here because some folks are just so resigned to the fact that “trust” simply doesn’t exist.

Or, they are simply ignorant or dumb.

Time Spent Together – 52%

This is VERY important, and it’s also the most challenging part of having a good relationship, especially when you’re an entrepreneur. What I do, is actually put down on my calendar the time I’ve carved out for Anne and I to hang out. If I schedule it like an appointment in my calendar, this way, nothing else can take its place because it’s set in stone, like a business appointment or something.

Try that, and tell me if it works as effectively for you.

Two categories came in tied at 30% each — Compatibility and Resolving Differences

Yes, compatibility is HUGE. Some folks are more compatible under the “opposites attract” theory, but that was a BIG no-go for me in my first marriage. Anne and I have quite a lot in common, and for us this works very well. We will generally reach the same conclusion about things. Others will obviously differ.

Being a strong personality, resolving differences didn’t come easy for me, but I worked VERY hard at it in the beginning of our relationship because it was important for me. I knew when I married Anne I wanted to stay with her forever and so I learned how to compromise.

Not that I’m perfect at it… and not that I do it without some prodding once-in-a-while, but… it’s made me a better person overall and I’ve learned to compromise outside of our relationship, in business, and with my children as well.

There are certain things I won’t compromise on, but you don’t really have to deal with stuff like that too often.

Besides, if you have teenagers and don’t learn to compromise, you will surely soon be dead of a stroke or something.

So that’s my story and I’m sticking to it, and most important, I want to wish the love of my life Anne a wonderful day, and thank her for putting up with me.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. On page 5 of this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter, which goes in the mail next week, you’ll find what promises to be the MOST shocking copy you are ever likely to see. Test-drive it fre.e here at http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl






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