Great ideas don’t sell.

I’m back — been literally buried up to my eyeballs in work, but last night I went fishing after having a client in for a full-day of consulting, and the fish were REALLY hitting.

After only a few minutes fishing off my dock, I pulled in 2 bass, and lost two more that wriggled off the hook after I’d hoisted them out of the water. Definitely brought me back to life after a long day, and a longer night before that.

You know, in the last two months, I’ve seen the exact same situation in two completely different industries, when people have come to see me for full day consults – (find out more at ) People come in my office with a ton of integrity and a slew of great ideas, but… great ideas don’t necessarily sell.

What sells is what people want to buy, and this is often forgotten when you’re in the middle of something. Good ideas don’t sell — what people want, sells.

I hate to be the bearer of this kind of news — there’s nothing worse than relaying a message that lets the air out of someone’s sails, but… I’d rather be the bearer of temporary short-term news, and then sit and figure out how to “re-make” the idea into a winner — than flat-out lie about something I KNOW (or at least VERY strongly suspect) just won’t work.

Another thing to remember is that if you are going to sell something, sell it BIG. Meaning, you’re going to have to work as hard to sell a $500 dollar item, as you are to sell something for $997, so why not structure your offer, or tweak what you’re selling, just enough, to get that extra cash, since… you only have to put ONE sales letter together for it anyway?

Tomorrow, I’ll tell you HOW to tweak your offers, to boost your prices.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. On page 2 of this month’s Offline Seductive Selling Newsletter, I’ll show you an actual ad I wrote that TRIPLED a client’s business — in the most economically depressed part of the state where he lives. Test-drive my newsletter for free and get $1,391 Dollars worth of bonus gifts, right here:






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