I’ve been incredibly busy lately, so just a few quick things to catch up on, today.
You know, it would seem to me that of all the advertising media in existence… billboard advertising is some of the most wasted.
It’s really odd what people put up on billboards.
For some reason, most advertisers just seem to treat a billboard like an abbreviated business card.
Of course, most people throw business cards away, virtually immediately. Primarily because most business cards say nothing other than your name, phone number and address.
Which is about as compelling as the new shelf down at your local library.
But billboards say even LESS! I get it that readers don’t have all day, but at least make an offer and point them to a website.
“Lose 10 pounds by Monday” – www.Whatever.com
“Mention this billboard for 20% off your first order when you come in”
“Free Dessert with the purchase of dinner, at Ted’s Diner”
I mean, you don’t have to be an advertising genius to come up with that kind of ad copy. But my Lord, most people give you nothing to work with, at all.
Literally no reason to pay any attention to the damn thing, period.
At least business cards only cost a hundred bucks for a few thousand.
Billboard costs are off the charts – maybe $5000 – $20,000 depending on your location.
At that rate…
Check this out: I recently put together a lead generation direct mail piece that got a 32.85% response within the first 8 days, mailed out to a cold list. If you want to get results like this, then go here
I actually think I’d take my chances just passing out like, 1 million business cards. Because even a broken clock is right twice a day, so “someone, somewhere” will respond “just because.”
Anyway, the second thing I want to tell you is, yesterday I was visiting my granddaughter in the hospital. She’s better now – but she had a pretty bad allergic reaction at the time.
I was sitting down with her and there was a child’s toy on the floor.
It was of those old fake telephones. The one with the rotary dial and the handset with the curled cord attaching it to the phone itself.
And it suddenly dawned on me, “Why they hell do they still make these toys?”
There isn’t a baby born any time within the last 5 years that will recognize or have any idea at all what this thing is.
I find it odd they still make these, don’t you?
And finally…
Last week I heard a joke. I’m pretty funny but I’m not really a good joke teller, I’m more spontaneous about things. But here goes, let me know if you like it.:
You know what the difference is, between God, and a surgeon?
God doesn’t think he’s a surgeon.
Enjoy the rest of your week. I hope summer is treating you well 🙂
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
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listening to:
Ten Years Ago – Buddy Guy & Junior Wells (1974)