FRE.E Teleseminar Being Removed! – “It changed my life”

The other day I ran a free teleseminar. Here’s a comment that was sent in to me from a listener. For personal reasons as you will see, I’m obviously keeping this one confidential, but rest assured we received this the morning after the seminar:

“Craig, I was on the teleseminar last night. I actually got there by mistake and it was fate. I am recovering from a near fatal horse accident (as a horse trainer/breeder that’s not a good thing). But, I stayed on the call and it changed my life. I have been struggling with the internet trying to generate an income since my 40 horses still eat (I love them).

I am selling this ranch, it has not sold yet, but I have found the place I know I am supposed to be.

It also became very clear to me what I am supposed to do. I am going to turn this horrible tragedy into my bliss. And I will do whatever it takes to do it because it is absolutely my plan in the universal law of things… Listening to you last night for some reason reached way down into my soul and pulled this out.

Thank you Craig. I am sure that with no internet experience, no money and no list, living out in the boonies, can’t drive and going from being the most outgoing, passionate, successful animal therapist entrapaneur to where I am now seemed hopeless. Not any more.

Again, many thanks, Craig.”

You can listen to this teleseminar until tonight, and you can do this right here:
Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. This was not only my LAST teleseminar of the year, but it was also my very best! Discover How To Make 2007 Your Best Year Ever, and listen today!






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