Don’t listen to my radio show today.

About 6 months ago I was at a meeting speaking about lead generation. Most of the people spent the entire hour sitting there scribbling down notes. At the end of the meeting, a number of people asked how they could “get” more of me, and so I gave them two options:

One, if they were serious about their business and wanted to nourish themselves with a steady diet of eye-opening marketing information, I told them at a minimum they should subscribe to my offline newsletter –

Two… if they wanted to get a crash-course in marketing and attraction, and if they wanted to never again worry about “chasing” business down, I told them to get their hands on my Seductive Selling System:

Now there was this one fellow sitting on the edge of the fence about my system. He was hemming and hawing and just not sure whether or not it was for him.

I told him NOT to buy the system.

I told him the last thing he needed was to get something that might disappoint him, and that my staff didn’t need the headache of packaging things up and fulfilling an order, only to get it back. Not good all around.

As soon as I said this, it was like pulling a nude woman away from a teenaged boy — you could see the “trigger” flip to “on” and the questionable demand for The Seductive Selling System went from “uncertain” to… “Must Have NOW!”

Why is this?

Why did that happen?

It’s simply human nature and psychology that says, “The value of what you can’t have is FAR greater than what you can easily obtain.” And when you make something more difficult to get, people want it more.

Today, 6 months later, the man who originally was “on the edge of the fence” about my system, is one of my biggest fans and credits me for helping him immensely.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Discover another half-dozen selling strategies AT LEAST, and get $1,391 Dollars in FREE Gifts in this month’s Offline Seductive Selling Newsletter! Test-drive it FREE, right here:

P.P.S. To learn more about consulting days:






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