Do NOT Read This Unless You’re Interested In My Mastermind Group

Last week we had our first quarter Mastermind meeting, and frankly, new testimonials, feedback, comments and “thank you” messages have been pouring in ever since. The truth is, I have a hard time keeping up with them at this point.

Since it’s INFINITELY more important what other people have to say about me (except my ex-wife), than what I could ever say about myself, and since my office is now getting at least a few inquires every week about the group, this weekend I’m going to share a few of these comments with you.

I recently posted two videos along with a few other comments from some of my members. But before I tell you where to see them, here are just a few of the things they had to say:

“I truly feel that this first meeting will allow me to more than triple my income this year.”

“…if you have anyone who is sitting on the fence about joining your program, feel free to give them my phone number and I will gladly talk to them.”

“I only wish I had met you sooner.”

“…a life changing event occurred for me in that very moment.”

If this is the kind of experience you’re after, then mosey on over to right NOW because in a case like this… better to be 6 months too early… then spend the rest of your life regretting you were even one minute too late!

If you are still uncertain as to whether or not this group is for you, at a MINIMUM, the first step I’d encourage you to take, is to sign up for a free trial of my OFFLINE Monthly Seductive Selling newsletter. This will give you about as best glimpse as possible into what you’re looking at and who I am. You can do this right here:

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Just FOUR Days Left to get your hands on this, forevermore! Discover an IDIOT-PROOF way even a backwards man or woman can use to name their business or service, that will position you as THE authority, in Example 5 of this month’s Seductive Selling OFFLINE Newsletter, by trying it FREE right here:






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