Diversify Your Bonds, Homie.

Well I just got back from New York City last night — had a great time with my family, saw LOADS of sights and ate like… a KING!

Anyway, here’s something you’ve probably seen a thousand times, yet never even given it a second thought: Ever go into your hotel room and take a look at the small square 7-inch by 9-inch plaque that has the room’s rack rates listed on it?

It’s usually either on the inside of your room door, or the inside of the bathroom door.

On that plaque, you’ll also find some verbiage from an old statute from The Laws Of Innkeepers, which goes something like this:

“A Safe is Provided in the Office for the Safekeeping of Money, Jewels, Ornaments, Bank Notes, Bonds, Negotiable Securities and Precious Stones Belonging to Guests”

Now you wonder why the Laws of Innkeepers hasn’t been updated? Why something like this hasn’t been modernized to reflect current colloquial lingo — or at least current customs?

After all, no one travels with bank notes, bonds, or negotiable securities any more — and if they were traveling with these things, it simply wouldn’t be such a big deal, right?

You see, this kind of statement is nothing more than “comfort food” to make you feel good. Because there are times when you should be saying conventional things to your prospects, simply because you know darn well they’ll have NO problem understanding what you’re trying to say.

See, even though you want to THINK unconventionally, you want to be heard, and you need to be trusted, and sometimes the best way to make a connection is simply to be, well… “average.”

That’s why saying things like “This too, shall pass”… and “”Every dog has his day”… and “You know, it really is always darkest before the dawn, right?” isn’t necessarily bad — in fact, saying tried and true clichés like this is often exactly what you need to make that much-needed connection.

And that… is what… it’s all… about.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. On page 8 of this month’s Offline Seductive Selling Newsletter, I’ll show you exactly why, as Jim Rohn says, success ISN’T something you “chase down.” This is diametrically opposed to what we’ve all been taught, but I’ll show you specifically how success really IS something you attract, by the person you become — or not. Take a free test drive and get $1,391 Dollars worth of bonus gifts, right here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl






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