Copywriting tips – dreamer deceiver: dirty lies people mistakenly tell

Sometimes I’ll read things that are just incredibly stupid.  Like when some guru’s telling you a good strategy to use if you want to get people’s attention, is to run an ad with a headline that says “Get More Sex.”

That this is a smart way of getting lots of people to pay attention.

Let me tell you that yes, it will get a lot of people to pay attention.  And so will things like:

Free Money, Unlimited Weight Loss, Hot Babes, and so on.

But unfortunately, most people don’t get paid based on how many people pay attention to you.  You get paid only when people buy.

And while each of these things will grab your reader’s attention, virtually immediately… each of them will also let your reader down and blow their expectations immediately, as well.

When it comes to selling, people don’t want to be teased… they don’t want to be lied to… and they don’t want to sit and think, “Wow, that guy was funny.”  And they absolutely do NOT want to be disappointed!

When you disappoint someone once, you’re training them that this is what you do, who you are.

They want you to be sincere… they want you to make them curious… and they want to know what makes you different and they want to know if what you’re offering is compelling.

There is nothing worse than disappointing someone, and that’s true whether you’re talking about business or personal relationships.

But at least in your personal life, if you disappoint someone and you’ve got a good track record… chances are outstanding they’re going to forgive you and give you another shot.

In business though, disappointment equals “Door closed, don’t let it hit you on the way out…”

“And don’t come back, either.”

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S.  Now, At Last:  Out-SMART (rather than out-spend) your competition!

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