Have you ever had something so unbelievably incredible happen to you, it was almost too good to be true?
Have you ever experienced something so strange it actually felt surreal? That the results of your efforts went SOOOO far beyond what you expected it seemed impossible?
Well, I have had the good fortune of experiencing TWO things in my life like this.
The first one was the experience I went through when I met and fell in love with my wife. If someone were to come to me and ask me to replay any particular moments in my life, that period of time would definitely be my first choice.
I remember almost every single detail of every moment, and this is truly probably a once-in-a-lifetime experience for sure, that sadly, many folks don’t ever get to have.
The second experience that occurred, happened very recently. You see, I wrote a 3-step postcard lead generation sequence for a client, and he proceeded to mail it out.
Now let me tell you something you may be surprised to hear: Most people foolishly think that when I write something, I have no worries. This simply isn’t true.
I’m as anxious as you are that my material performs and generates not only positive cash-flow, but a rate of return that affords my client the ability to use my piece over-and-over again.
After all, if you’re paying me a king’s ransom, that’s what you deserve, isn’t it?
But often times, I never wind up hearing, as Paul Harvey so often says… “The Rest Of The Story.” This happens for a myriad of reasons I’m not going to get into now, but usually at least a month or so will go by at a minimum, before I hear anything.
After all, it’s not like you can simply set up a mailing campaign or run display ads overnight — it does take some time.
Needless to say, I was caught completely off guard and was totally unprepared for an e-mail I received from a client this morning. There was LOADS of information in this e-mail, most of it confidential — but let me share with you one thing that was so hard to believe, I had to call my client just to verify this in person. Here’s what he said:
The postcards you did for me didn’t exactly pull a 1% response rate as I expected! When I sent out 698 postcards the first week I was anxious as to the response. Well I got 298 responses to my postcard and was floored! If I am doing the math correctly that’s over a 40% response to just the FIRST postcard. (Note: Actually, it’s a 42.7% response, but who’s counting? And I shudder to think what the number will be after the second and third mailings!)
Additionally, I have been approached by two of the biggest XXXX associations and have some meetings scheduled to see how we can work together. I was also asked to speak to a group of 200 fairly new XXXX about “how to grow your business” at the next XXXX conference in Chicago in November.
As you can imagine with this type of response I decided I needed to shift my focus and complete my product and get ready to launch a coaching program. All very exciting!
It was my day of COACHING with YOU that really got me thinking and moved me to the new opportunity. I sort of looked in the mirror and decided that I never want to work in corporate America again…and I want to do something that I really enjoy.
Craig, I want you to know that I really appreciate everything you have done for me! The best thing I ever did was to subscribe to your Seductive Selling newsletter and System and join your Mastermind Group.”
Now I am sure there may be someone out there who has generated a higher response than 42.7% mailed to a cold list (that means a new list of names who you have never spoken with before), but I don’t know who that person is.
So what I’m going to do is to share some of the unspoken secrets I used to accomplish this previously unheard of feat — very soon. And if you want to be one of the first ones to hear them, then I’d encourage you to let me know by heading over here:
And by the way, if you CAN’T learn something from this, than I’d actually suggest you unsubscribe from my list altogether, because frankly, this really IS… as good… as it gets!
To discover more about this incredible accomplishment, go to http://www.kingofcopy.com/leads
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. THREE DAYS LEFT! To get this month’s Seductive Selling Offline Newsletter — test-drive it for fre.e, get TWO fre.e marketing critiques, and discover the sneaky way to use vanity and humiliation to create your next compelling sale message! Get it here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl
P.P.S. Again, to discover how I got a 42.7% response to a lead generation piece I wrote, simply go to http://www.kingofcopy.com/leads
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