Category: Lead Generation

  • 54% On Page Conversion Rate?  Performance Results Examples:

    54% On Page Conversion Rate? Performance Results Examples:

    I haven’t sent out many emails lately, simply because I’ve been incredibly busy. Not only with consulting and copywriting clients, but with a couple of side projects I have going on. Plus, I’ve been playing guitar as often as possible, and having a great time doing it. I’ve never really discussed this at length, but…

  • LIVE Training – TODAY!  This proven sales funnel generated 30K customers in less than 2 yrs. . . (that’s customers, NOT leads!)

    LIVE Training – TODAY! This proven sales funnel generated 30K customers in less than 2 yrs. . . (that’s customers, NOT leads!)

    Your own evergreen sales funnel. Many marketers and business owners talk about needing a sales funnel, but very few know how to create one that can give you the results you need. I’m talking about the kind of automated sales funnel that can constantly grow your email list and systematically sell your products and services…

  • Newsletter Publishing Profits Now Open – still MORE bonuses added

    Newsletter Publishing Profits Now Open – still MORE bonuses added

    Doors are now open for Newsletter Publishing Profits, the only program that shows you how to leverage an offline newsletter into cash-flow for your business that is otherwise unobtainable any other way. I think I must have Bonus FEVER, because I’ve added in yet another bonus to this program. Today’s Added BONUS: I’m including the…

  • Newsletter Publishing Profits – Free bonuses for tomorrow:

    Newsletter Publishing Profits – Free bonuses for tomorrow:

    Tomorrow I’m launching a program I’ve been working on for a long time – Newsletter Profits. And here are just a few of the bonuses you’ll be getting with it: There are two levels, Publisher’s and Basic. Publisher’s includes everything in the Basic Program plus some really cool extras. Here’s the Basic Program, which is…

  • Copywriting tip – Why your best asset isn’t your copy:

    Copywriting tip – Why your best asset isn’t your copy:

    Writing bad, or muddles sales copy, is rarely the only marketing problem you’re going to have. Good sales copy alone, won’t typically be the only thing that saves you. More often than not, equal (or more) blame falls on your entire marketing process (or lack of one). Hand and hand with this, is the way…

  • New Live Interview just posted, listen to it here:

    New Live Interview just posted, listen to it here:

    Hope you had a great weekend. I was recently interviewed by John McIntyre, the Auto Responder Guy, on his well-known e-mail marketing podcast. The interview is now available and you can listen to it right here Feel free to leave any comments underneath today’s post below. Have a great week. Now go sell something, Craig…

  • Seductive Selling Newsletter – About Thursday’s Call:

    Seductive Selling Newsletter – About Thursday’s Call:

    Quick one today… just to let you know… This Thursday is the open monthly Q&A call for my Maximum Money Club members. Why not hop on the call with us? Get on the call and ask me any questions related to your marketing, at no cost. Just take the free trial here – the trial…

  • How to write headlines: “How many headlines should you write?”

    How to write headlines: “How many headlines should you write?”

    The other day, we talked about writing headlines and “when” is the best time to write them. Another question I get asked a lot, is “How many headlines should you write?” And frankly, I’m not sure this question is any more answerable than “How many kids should you have?” or “How many shots of tequila…

  • Conversion strategies: Conversion-Killing Mistake #3

    Conversion strategies: Conversion-Killing Mistake #3

    Today, we’re going to talk about some more conversion strategies, as well as… Conversion-Killing Mistake #3: Your prospect has forgotten about you Prospects, and even existing customers and clients, are like your neighbors. If they don’t see you or hear from you on a regular basis, they’ll have absolutely no reason to think about you.…

  • Top 5 Secrets to converting leads into high-paying customer sales:

    Top 5 Secrets to converting leads into high-paying customer sales:

    Over the next few days, I’ll be sharing some of biggest Conversion-Killing mistakes people make. And at the end of this little journey, we’ll be launching the first new product I’ve come out with in quite some time, and it’s directly related to conversions. It’s called Psychological Conversion Strategies, and it will be available next…

  • How to sell to women:

    How to sell to women:

    Here’s how to sell to women, and what women know that you don’t: Last week, I happened to pick up a copy of a magazine called ShopSmart. Apparently, it’s a sister publication to Consumer Reports, only it’s geared towards women. Like Consumer Reports, it provides independent reviews about products and it doesn’t accept advertisements or…

  • How to set up a domain name — and… how not to:

    How to set up a domain name — and… how not to:

    Yesterday, I was driving Sam to school. We made a hard left turn and came up behind a pickup truck towing a trailer. Across the back of the trainer, fron edge to edge, was a URL that said something like this: Now when you see something like this, especially doing 20 miles an hour…

  • New Special Report now posted online: 7 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make, And How To Avoid Making Them

    New Special Report now posted online: 7 Biggest Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make, And How To Avoid Making Them

    Well I hope your weekend went well. Mine was great. I worked Saturday and spent yesterday with my wife, relaxing. We went out to a local market… got to catch up on some reading and enjoy the sunshine out back… and of course, watched the NFL Playoffs. I’m so relaxed, getting back to work is…

  • $4,000 off Sale Ends Today, Top 10 Reasons to order now:

    $4,000 off Sale Ends Today, Top 10 Reasons to order now:

    Today’s the last day to get my $5,000 Ad Writing Workshop on sale for only $997. Here are the Top Ten Reasons why you should take advantage of this sale, save the $4 Grand, and start profiting from this program, immediately. 10. I revealed the 15 most important secrets Gary Halbert taught me, when I…

  • How to sell free giveaways – the biggest sale you usually miss:

    How to sell free giveaways – the biggest sale you usually miss:

    There’s one particular sale people often don’t work hard enough at making. And that’s when you’re trying to give something away for free, that’s going to lead to a sale. Like a Free Report or a Webinar, for example. Or a free product giveaway that leads to an upsell of a more complete product. For…

  • Free Report now available on iTunes or kindle: The 7 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make, And How To Avoid Making Them

    Free Report now available on iTunes or kindle: The 7 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make, And How To Avoid Making Them

      If you read books on iTunes or on kindle or on any other reading device, then listen up. A Special Report I put together had just been released on both of those platforms. It’s called “The 7 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make, And How To Avoid Making Them,” and you can find it here: On…

  • Lead Generation Case Study:  L.A. Fitness – Epic FAIL!

    Lead Generation Case Study: L.A. Fitness – Epic FAIL!

    The other day I was walking out of the gym, when I saw a scruffy looking white board punched up with scribbles, that caught my eye. What was jotted down on this whiteboard, was nothing shy of astounding. Here it is: Before we go through this, let’s think this through here… A successful marketing campaign…

  • Copywriting tip: How (and why) you need to sell

    Copywriting tip: How (and why) you need to sell

    Hope your weekend went well. I took some much-needed time off and got to relax — I sure hope you got to do the same thing. Before we get into today’s tip… you should know i’ll be running a Labor Day sale starting this afternoon at 3:30 pm, and running through the weekend. Almost everything…

  • Just the facts: Lead Generation Mistake #12

    Just the facts: Lead Generation Mistake #12

    One of the most important things you an do, especially when you’re trying to generate leads, is disclose as many facts as you can about your product or service. For some reason, people seem to feel “facts” are boring… and that your customers, clients, and patients won’t be interested in them. So instead, people spend…

  • What you can expect on Thursday’s Free call – time running out, register now:

    What you can expect on Thursday’s Free call – time running out, register now:

    This Thursday at 2pm Eastern time (and again at 7pm Eastern time) I’m hosting a free teleseminar, called The 21 Most Costly Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Trying To Generate Leads. That’s less than 48 hours away You can register for the call here We’ll take an in-depth look at 21 critical lead generation strategies, and…