Category: Human Nature

  • Business Planning Mistakes: Why?

    Business Planning Mistakes: Why?

    when you first get into business, your number one concern is to get paid. you believe “finding opportunity” is going to be your greatest challenge, and so you pretty much say “yes” to every opportunity you uncover, that can make you a few bucks. then, after a while, you suddenly come to the realization that……

  • facebook marketing: what NOT to do

    Drew Olanoff from the, wrote a great piece on facebook marketing, that I wanted to share with you. Check it out: *********** Completely eliminates practically every business obstacle that’s in your way Take this simple 3-question quiz and see if you qualify *********** And by the way, you can find the original article here:…

  • On trust: How to answer the question, "Should I work with that guy or not?"

    Interesting article in the New York Times recently, about how to trust a financial planner, right here: As you may know, I graduated college and became a CPA, and then got into sales.  My last sales job I held was as a financial planner working for a national firm, and then I left to…

  • Why people buy, why customers and clients respond… and why they don't:

    Wow, we had so much rain here over the last few days, it’s incredible. My lake has gone up close to 24 inches in the last four days alone!  There was a tornado watch here, and I must admit, while the wind wasn’t anywhere nearly as bad as I thought it would be… the rain…

  • How To Increase Your Productivity: GREAT Free Tool

    Over the last 6 months or so, I’ve been using a simple tool that’s had a tremendous impact on my productivity, and I wanted to pass it along to you. It’s called the Pomodoro technique, and it’s incredibly easy to use. In fact, it’s simplicity is what makes it so effective. I’m going to give…

  • How to say "No" and choose better opportunities:

    In the beginning, when you first get started working for yourself, your primary sense of urgency is to support yourself. So you chase the dollar, and if you’re ambitious and aggressive, you chase it hard and fast, and far and wide. And if you’re like this, it doesn’t take too long for you to realize,…

  • Copywriting Tips: Overlooked common copywriting and selling misjudgments

    Couple administrative things before we get into it: 1.  Last week, I posted a pretty cool interview I recently gave, and since it was a holiday weekend, I thought I’d post it again in case you didn’t get a chance to check it out. If you have any questions or comments, I’ll respond to them…

  • Emotional Buying Triggers: Two monks and a scorpion were walking down the road…

    long time ago in the far East, two monks were strolling outside the Monastery grounds, enjoying all the natural beauty that surrounded them. Deep in thought, both as one, one of the monks suddenly stopped walking. On the ground, he spotted a small bowl, filled with rainwater.  And in the center of the bowl was…

  • Business Strategy Consulting – Read this, especially if you are a geek:

    Great article I recently read by Harry Mylonadis in Last week, I was invited to join 3,000 delegates to what turned out to be the largest entrepreneurship conference in the world. The Global Entrepreneurship Congress 2012 took place in Liverpool, UK (a few words about Liverpool in a moment) and its speakers and panels…

  • Copywriting Mistakes: A Major mistake you're making when you're speaking to buyers

    There is a very simple copywriting strategy that separates all good communicators, from everyone else. At first, when you use this strategy, it might feel “awkward.”  But rest assured, it feels very normal for your readers and buyers, so ignore your own urge to change. What I’m talking about is… *** Lead Generation & Client…

  • Sales & Persuasion: How to get prospects, buyers and even your family, to obey you

    Let’s face it, getting people to obey your suggestions lies at the heart of every sale you’re ever going to make… As well as every sale you’re going to lose. I recently made a video that reveals a number of strategies you can use, that dramatically increases your ability to communicate… to persuade… and to…

  • Making Money Online: How much money makes you happy? Survey says…

    Ever wonder “How much is enough?” Well, there was recently a study done on exactly this amount, and I’m willing to bet the number is a LOT lower than you probably thought. Read this interesting article, right here: And if you have any comments or want to discuss this, post your comments below. Now go…

  • Copywriting Tips: Ever wonder why people put P.S.'s on sales letters?

    “Absence of fear doesn’t make you brave, courage in the face of fear makes you brave.”  Penn Jillette If you’ve ever read a long-form sales letter written using emotionally compelling “direct response style” sales copy… then chances are outstanding, the sales letter had at LEAST one P.S. But let me ask you something: Outside of…

  • Copywriting – Read this only if you're a fan of TV's Mad Men:

    “If a man has done his best, what else is there?”  George S. Patton If you don’t watch Mad Men, then you should.  It’s a show about a New York City ad agency, that takes place during the 1960’s.  And not only is the scenery true to life, but many of the pop culture topics…

  • Positioning mistakes people make that come back to haunt you:

    “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”  Eleanor Roosevelt Today’s quote has a lot to do with “positioning.” Not many people talk about “positioning,” but it’s a critical component of how your marketplace perceives you. And the foundation of your positioning is 100% based on how you see yourself and how you…

  • Why We Work: Her Sweaty Damp Curls In The Palm Of My Hand

    Today’s my daughter’s 12th birthday.  I first wrote this probably 8 or 9 years ago – I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think: I love putting my daughter to bed.  It’s one of the few times I have no problem letting go and disconnecting, and simply enjoy being right there in…

  • Helicopter Parents: A Nation of Enablers Raising A Nation Of Enablers

    Absolutely unbelievable article I read in the Times recently.  It’s called “Preschoolers in Surgery for a Mouthful of Cavities” Apparently, there are now enough people forgetting to show their own preschool-aged children to brush their teeth… pediatric dentists are having to perform a new and apparently, fairly routine procedure. See, so many kids aren’t brushing…

  • Business Strategy Consulting: What did YOU do yesterday?

    Last week I was working on a project, REALLY intensely.  And to be honest, I was pretty stressed out because of it. But I was stressing out, for no reason. I say, “for no reason,” because in looking back… the truth is, I CHOSE to be stressed out, just the same way I could have…

  • Small Business Marketing – How to almost DOUBLE your productivity:

    I’ve been doing something for the last three weeks or so, that has almost doubled my productivity, and I wanted to share it with you. It’s SO easy to do — and, it takes maybe 5 extra minutes per day, to implement. And yet… it’s probably going to be responsible for most of the extra…

  • Social Media: Are these really crazy times?

    So the other day I was listening to a very good self-development recording. It offered the best definition of success I’ve ever heard. Before I share it with you, let me just say I think the definition of success is a very personal thing.  Kind of like your definition of “love.” Not everyone loves the…