Category: Craig Garber

  • How to be loved when you need it most

    How to be loved when you need it most

    I think I mentioned last week, my workload has been extremely heavy, lately. Between copywriting projects I have in the hopper… and a few different new, outside projects of my own — my free time’s been a little limited. And besides going to the gym, I haven’t really been doing much else, outside of work…

  • How To Generate Leads: Brand new LIVE Radio interview just posted!

    Hey I was just interviewed earlier this week, LIVE! on Michigan Business Network Radio, and I’ve posted the interview for you to listen to. It’s always funny when you listen to yourself on a recording — my voice never sounds the way I think it sounds as it’s coming out of my mouth. Anyway, I…

  • TSA Stupidity: Humiliated

    Ramblings from my trip to California last week, where I was speaking at a trade show. 6:25am: Me: “Oh good, it’s not too busy this morning.” TSA Agent checking my ID: “Don’t jinx me…” Me: “OK, well in that case, I hope it stays nice and slow for you today” TSA:  “Actually I prefer it…

  • Online Lead Generation: Bonus call set for June 21st

    The bonus call for the recent webinar about online lead generation strategies is set up for June 21st, at 12 noon Eastern Standard Time I send you the details next week. In case you missed out on this the first time, you can still participate on this free call – all the info is on…

  • New Craig Garber workshop announced – register NOW

    Details of my upcoming workshop, which is coming up right around the corner, are now out. You can listen here… Or read about it here. As you know, I RARELY have these, and when I do, it costs an arm and a leg to attend. And I am also about to enter into a niche…

  • IMPORTANT: One-question fast response needed

    I’ll have something good for you later today, but right now, I have something really important to deal with: Can you please take two seconds to answer this one question for me. Thanks — we’ll speak later today, for sure. Now go sell something, Craig Garber P.S.  I’ll let you know what’s going on with…

  • Small Business Marketing: Interesting article, Google's reaction to facebook

    I read a pretty interesting article recently, about how Google is responding to facebook’s deepening layers of communication. The big question is, since Google rules supreme in all matters related to search… is there any way they can put something out there and people will NOT respond to it? Let me know your reaction to…

  • Copywriting – Read this only if you're a fan of TV's Mad Men:

    “If a man has done his best, what else is there?”  George S. Patton If you don’t watch Mad Men, then you should.  It’s a show about a New York City ad agency, that takes place during the 1960’s.  And not only is the scenery true to life, but many of the pop culture topics…

  • NEW Survey – Need Your Input, FAST! (only a few hours left)

    “The man who starts out going nowhere generally gets there.” Dale Carnegie I’m considering having the cover of my book re-designed, and I’ve LOVE to get your opinion on it. Here are the new designs – and it’s also where you can vote on them Most people reading this, already have the book, but if…

  • Craig Garber: All about… me

    “Whether you think you can or think you can’t — you are right”  Henry Ford We’ve been making a number of changes to our blog, and we still have more to go, but I’d love to get your input on this one, in particular. Check out my new “About Me” page and let me know…

  • Business Sales Strategies: 31 down, 69 to go – 17+ hours total

    On January 3rd, I published this post on my blog: “But now… it’s back to reality.  It’s the New Year and we’re all busy cranking up our little machines once again, right? You bet. For me, maybe this is unusual, but my goals aren’t business related. And here’s why:  I’ve found, when I’m in shape…

  • Revealed for the first time: Why social media spread like wildfire

    I recently read something interesting, about how when researchers want to raise the stress levels of mice, they isolate them.  They put them into a cage all alone. I don’t assume an evergreen direct correlation with humans to mice, but I think it’s safe to say there’s at least SOME correlation in this particular situation.…

  • Hello, Sunshine (Great opportunity to go public with your goals)

    Later on this week or early next, I’m going to have some cool announcements, so stay tuned. I hope you had a great holiday and I hope you and your family have a really smooth 2012. Like most people, I spent a lot of time at home with my own family during the last couple…

  • A Special holiday message and short story: The Farmer's Donkey

    I’m laying low this week and next. Trying to tie up some loose ends… catch up on some reading… and spending time with my family, relaxing. And I hope you are doing something similar. I just want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family, warmth and good cheer during this holiday season…

  • Thank you

    Hey, just a quick note to say “Thanks for your business,” if you were one of the many people who participated in this week’s Cyber Monday sale. And, a reminder that if you are a Seductive Selling Newsletter Subscriber, this afternoon, between 2pm and 4pm Eastern time, is call-in time. So go to page 8…

  • URGENT, European list members: Meet me in person on December 10th!

    OK, REALLY Big news if you’re in Europe: I’ll be in Munich putting on a very intimate, very cool workshop — and there are only 5 seats still remaining as of this minute. On top of this, admission is RIDICULOUSLY low.  So if you want to hang out and learn from me, and get a…

  • Emotional direct-response marketing: Little white lies – actual story

    About six weeks ago, a guy I know called and left a message on my business line.  He said he wanted to get together with me for coffee. Now I don’t know this guy too well, and so typically, when you get a call like this, it means the guy wants something from you. Right?…

  • Offline Marketing Newsletters – FINAL Notice, Less than 12 hours left:

    Less than 12 hours left to take your free trial of Seductive Selling – here’s, what you’re missing out on this month: *  The Audio Success CD of the month – is an interview with the owner of one of the largest service businesses here on the Gulf Coast of Florida.  He’s taken a boring…

  • Offline Newsletters: Only TWO days left to get this:

    This month’s issue of Seductive Selling was only mailed out last week, and we’re already getting in e-mails: “Craig, I haven’t been reading it long, so really can’t judge … but I’ll bet your August “Seductive Selling” is your best yet. A lovely mix of family and guidance for readers.”  (from Ronald Smith out of…

  • Direct Marketing Strategies: Business, 2… Pleasure, 1, plus unusual stats

    Few of items to go through today: One: Yesterday my daughter started middle school and I had a bunch of unusual mixed emotions. For some reason I felt a sense of emptiness that I didn’t expect or couldn’t explain. After all, both of my sons went through this quite some time ago… and it’s not…