Bikini Wax Or Chuckie Cheese? Why Not Both?

Let’s face it, one of the most difficult things to do in your life is raising a child. The amount of personal sacrifice — AND the amount of discretionary free personal time you have to give up — is simply HUGE.

Especially for women — getting pampered or enjoying relaxing experiences like getting your hair and nails done, is no longer something you can count on regularly looking forward to.

Even sitting down and paying your bills is now a chore that must be done late at night, AFTER your day is “over.”

Every woman in this situation wants more time to take care of themselves, and whenever you have a situation like this — whenever there is pent-up want (want, not need, controls buying, of course)…

As always, there’s an opportunity some smart entrepreneur can take advantage of.

And so, in L.A. and New York City, a number of new private clubs are opening up to cater to and satisfy these wants — ALL of them — those of the mothers and their babies, all at the same time.

These private clubs offer a variety of personal services for the moms and children’s activities for the kids — each of them carrying a separate (and steep) charge.

Club membership usually is around $1,500 bucks to start, but I’d imagine as soon as these places become popular, fees will increase steadily. After all, country club membership fees are tremendous — why should this be any different?

It’s not the venue that justifies the fees, by the way — it’s the exclusivity… the sense of belonging… and the separation from everybody else (by the way, each of these emotional buy-buttons are covered in The Seductive Selling System – )

The décor in these places is very chi-chi — not like your local daycare center. It really is an exclusive spa for moms and kids. They even have tarot card readings on site (For the moms, of course. What would you predict a kid’s reading, “I see… a brown poopy diaper in your future… soon… VERY soon…”)

These clubs satisfy a NUMBER of other emotional buy-buttons, including vanity and obviously, the need to belong to something.

And yes, they are elitist and may offend some moms maternal instinct, but so what? Those people aren’t prospects for these clubs, the same way I’m not a prospect for McDonalds hamburgers.

Apparently, there are enough families who are STARVING for membership in a club like this. One new club had 2,000 members after their first six months of opening.

Always remember, turn adversity into opportunity in your marketing. Position a perceived weakness as an outstanding strength. THIS is what successful marketers do.

And speaking of raising children, in this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter (which I just finished writing in the wee hours of this morning), I reveal what happens to the bonehead kids whose parents wind up bailing them out of everything — and it’s not good news, believe me.

But… if you listen closely to the story around this, you may just get the inside track to discovering one of the MOST valuable secrets of business success you will ever learn! Check it out right here:

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Remember, the price of the Seductive Selling System is going up by $100 bucks on December 8th. Get it before it’s too late:






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