At a crossroads — or looking over the cliff?

There are many roadblocks and obstacles to overcome in life. If you’re the kind of person who looks at each of these obstacles, losses, or failures as “crossroads,” then you’re going to stop and pause, change direction and regroup, and then start moving forward once again on the road to your next success.

On the other hand, quitters and losers look at these hiccups as if they were on the edge of the cliff — and when they fail, it’s as if they’ve fallen off.

Game over.

There’s a new bestselling book out called Succeed On Your Own Terms by Herb Greenberg and Patrick Sweeney (Of course, I would have added a “How To” to the title, but what do I know?) that covers 19 qualities that can lead you to success.

Over the next few days I’m going to cover some of them and give you my take on things, so lets get started:

Perseverance –

In my opinion, this is the MOST misunderstood “success characteristic” of them all. We’re all so conditioned to perseverance that you’ll often find many business owners and entrepreneurs who fall flat on their face or wind up dead broke, even though they were some of the MOST persistent little buggers.

Here’s the problem: planned persistence towards a defined goal, using systematic proven steps, makes a TON of sense. But BLIND persistence, which is what most people are doing, is futile. Here’s what I mean by that: Most business-owners are afraid of investing money in their education to learn something they don’t ALREADY know (like how to market themselves properly), but they will continue POUNDING cash into things they are comfortable with, even though they really aren’t getting any results from them.

This is stupid. It’s like wearing bad cologne and assuming that if you wear it more often, it’ll start smelling better.

I don’t think so.

Willingness To Take Risk –

This is critical. If you’re the kind of person who thrives on constants and predictability, it’s going to be tough — at least in the beginning — to get anywhere. In my mind’s eye — the term “risk-taker” is inherent in the definition of “entrepreneur,” and while I’ll admit over time, you may become less willing to take as large a risk as before (because you now have more to lose), and at some point after you’re up-and-running you CAN create predictability… whenever you’re looking to grow and get to the next level, you’re going to HAVE to take a risk – in fact, you’re probably going to have to take several.

In fact, to some extent, uncertainty is the mantra of the wealthy.

Thriving On Pressure –

The most successful people I know, myself included, ALL seem to thrive on pressure. It’s not that we intentionally put ourselves into tight spots, it’s just that we can’t be at peace with only ONE thing going on. It’s like the more we have going on, the greater the rush, the faster the trip.

And the funny thing is, we never see it in ourselves. The only time we even think of it is when other people point it out to us.

It’s kind of like an adrenaline rush, as if we were junkies or something.

The other thing that’s common amongst people who thrive on this “high” is that when we come down and pause — we collapse and do nothing. You can’t run on “10” forever, so when we turn off — we turn COMPLETELY off.

That’s one of the reasons why I love my lake-house so much. Yesterday, I spent a good portion of the day just sitting there swinging out in my hammock, overlooking the lake… with a good book and a cigar.

For me, THAT is truly heaven.

Now talk about thriving on pressure — check this guy out, because you only have 7 Days Left To do so!:

Only 7 Days Left!… to get your hands on this month’s Audio Success CD Interview with Brian Sacks, who runs SEVEN different businesses, and just sold his last business for over 7 figures. This guy’s FAR from subtle though, so unless you’re REALLY turned on by reality, and you’re not afraid to get a cold slap in the keister once-in-a-while, don’t even THINK about subscribing. Brian explains how he drives people online, from offline lead generation material… how he reduces risk with his customers… and, how he did all this without spending even one thin DIME on advertising! Get it NOW, when you take your FREE test-drive of Seductive Selling, the hottest Offline newsletter around, right here:

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

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