If you own any of my products that come with Audio CD Interviews, or if you’ve ever heard me being interviewed live, then you’ve probably heard me make the comment that “being in the convincing business sucks.”
What I mean by this, is that you’re FAR better off spending your time finding people who are already interested in whatever it is you’re selling, and then just letting them know why they are better off working with you than with anyone else, than… trying to convince someone in the first place, why they need your widget or whatever it is you’re offering.
But here’s another deep-seeded reason why you shouldn’t ever waste your time trying to convince someone to buy something they may not want to, or for that matter, to do anything they aren’t committed to: You see, most people have deep-seeded beliefs about how life works and what’s supposed to happen.
“Hoping” someone’s open-minded enough to toss those ingrained thoughts and feelings aside, isn’t a very good business strategy. (That’s another thing you’ll hear me say a lot — “hope isn’t a good business strategy” — Do you agree with that?)
So you either need to sell those folks who don’t believe you by telling them a message they will be receptive to instead (like stomach pain can be eliminated only be eating the right foods, not by using antacids), or you need to find better people who will be easier to sell to and more receptive to your messages.
Meaning, find someone who can hear your message louder — without you having to scream.
Good advice for a selling relationship — and probably even better advice for a romantic relationship.
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. FOUR DAYS LEFT! To get this month’s Seductive Selling Offline Newsletter — test-drive it for FREE, get TWO FREE marketing critiques, and discover the sneaky way to use vanity and humiliation to create your next compelling sale message! Get it here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl
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