Nothing like a good rags-to-riches story, hey?

There really is nothing like a good story. And in fact, if you’ve got a story somewhere in your profile — and I know you do, because everyone does — you’d better be using it, because as Mike Miget, this month’s Audio Success Interview CD of the month says, sometimes all you need to do to differentiate yourself from everyone else, is tell your story.

Here, listen to these:

In 1985, William Shultz (who’s now 80), spearheaded an LBO (leveraged buyout) of the Fender Guitar company — long recognized (along with Gibson guitars), as THE guitar to play. The company was floundering, but by emphasizing research and quality, he rescued the company. The Fender Stratocaster was made popular by musicians such as Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Oh, Schultz never learned to play the guitar.

And how about Robert Hoffman? Hoffman, along with two goofball friends of his from college, turned college humor into a totally out-of-control magazine, National Lampoon. From the magazine came records, a radio show, and movies — including John Belushi’s Animal House. Then, after Hoffman sold his ownership in Lampoon, he grew the country’s 5th largest bottler of Coca-Cola, and eventually wound up donating more than $150 Million dollars worth of art to The Dallas Museum or Art.

Where did Hoffman go to college?

No, not Goofball U, but Harvard!

As you can see, these stories aren’t fancy, or filled with drama, but WOW, don’t they leave a memorable impression?

To get your copy of this month’s eye-opening, and frankly, fun interview with Mike Miget (who went from ZERO to $1 Million in sales, in fifteen months — really FIVE months, as you’ll see), you get it when you test-drive The Seductive Selling Offline Newsletter, for FREE, at:

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Check out all the King’s products at

P.P.S Stay tuned for my radio show this Thursday at 1pm Eastern time, LIVE at






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