We all know that speaking in specific terms — especially when you’re trying to sell something — gives you more credibility, but most people don’t understand why.
See, amateurs think I’m referring to being specific as in saying “98.6%” as opposed to saying 98%… or by saying something like “Did you know most people spend 95% of their total lifetime health care costs, in the last 5 years of their life?” (Completely true, by the way.)
But I’m not talking about THAT kind of specific.
I’m talking about being specific to get your prospects emotionally involved, by stimulating one or more of their five senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, taste, or feeling.
See, when you can be specific and stimulate your prospects five senses, that’s when you make the emotional connection in your sale, and in your relationship, and THIS is what triggers a sale.
For instance, here’s something I wrote from a piece I did recently that outpulled the existing control by over 50% (that’s not bad, is it?):
“Not to mention, the crushing impact things like divorce… disability… job loss… or legal problems, has on your personal finances! How can you EVER get ahead when it’s so CRAZY out there?”
In this particular case, I’m hitting the prospect (who is in trouble financially) over the head with one specific crushing blow after another. Don’t you think this is getting them involved at an emotional level?
Of course it is. BIG TIME.
This is what I mean by using specifics. Not saying “98.6%.”
Specific numbers won’t close your deal. Specific emotional buy-button pushing will.
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. Scratch And Dent Sale: I now have FIVE Seductive Selling Systems left where there were some subtle assembly mistakes made, that are in slightly less than “perfect” condition. Sometimes pages got bent… sometimes covers got a little scruffy… and other times the spiral binder around a booklet isn’t perfectly aligned.
The normal price for the system is $997, but if you act fast enough to get your hands on one of these seven systems, you will get it at a $200 dollar discount — for only $797.
You still get the guarantees on the system, AND you can still take our EZ 3-payment plan if you’d like — in exchange, all you have to do is put up with a few scratches here and there. That’s the ONLY difference.
Here’s what you need to do:
First, go to http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive to see what you’re getting, but do NOT place your order there. Instead, go to http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive/scratchanddent/fastaction.html and place your order here.
Again, there are ONLY 5 Systems left here, and I think I’ve been consistent enough in my communication so that you know, when I say “only five left” — I MEAN “only five left.” So scarf them up while you can and get yours NOW: http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive/scratchanddent/fastaction.html
Here’s a current testimonial I received about the system, and there are loads more at http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive
“Energy. Drive. Empowerment. That’s your main asset. Let’s take a huge company, with thousands of employees. They lose money. The CEO is changed, and in 6 month’s time, they EARN money. In 2 year’s time, they lead their market. You have seen this story several times. How is this possible? How ONE human being, out of a thousand, can change the destiny of such a huge business? Because he knows how to instill energy, drive, motivation, belief, enthusiasm, hope, VISION to others.
So if a reader has a choice to choose a mentor, a guru, a motivator, he has no choice. YOU are the best. I don’t know why. I feel that with my guts. Spending one hour with Gene Schwartz could get me energized a few months. I still have the imprint of his mind in my mind several years later. You have the same thing, and you can go even further. You should sell that too to your readers: “If after reading my material, you don’t feel the URGE to write good copy, to sell huge amount of products, to bank tons of money… if you don’t feel in your arteries a new energy flowing, if your heart is not beating faster, if your eyes are not brighter, send your material for a full refund.” etc.”
Christian Godefroy, Seitzerland – Christian is an OUTSTANDING marketer, who worked side-by-side with Eugene Schwartz, author of Breakthrough Advertising, and who has sold over $300 MILLION Dollars worth of goods and services himself
So get your System at the special Scratch And Dent Sale price, and save $200 NOW: http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive/scratchanddent/fastaction.html
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.P.S. This is the first time in over 18 months I have had a sale like this — don’t bank on it happening… ever again!
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