If you have had your eye on my Seductive Selling System, but have been waiting for just the right moment to buy it, then this is the most exciting and important message you will ever read!
NOW is that moment, and here’s why: Over the last 18 months, during the fulfillment and production of the system, as always, there were some production and assembly mis-haps. We have seven systems sitting here where there were some subtle assembly mistakes made. Sometimes pages got bent… sometimes covers got a little scruffy… and other times the spiral binder around a booklet isn’t perfectly aligned.
In any case, even though there is nothing wrong with these seven systems from a content standpoint, and even though to the unfamiliar, it may seem like there’s nothing wrong aesthetically, if you look close enough, the blemishes are there.
We’ve been accumulating these “less than perfect” systems here in my office, and it’s now time to unload them — and our mistakes are about to turn into your little Garden Of Eden.
Here’s the deal: We have SEVEN (that’s it — just seven) Complete Seductive Selling Systems here in my office that are in less than perfect condition.
The normal price for the system is $997, but if you act fast enough to get your hands on one of these seven systems, you will get it at a $200 dollar discount — for only $797.
You still get the guarantees on the system, AND you can still take our EZ 3-payment plan if you’d like — in exchange, all you have to do is put up with a few scratches here and there. That’s the ONLY difference.
Here’s what you need to do:
First, go to http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive to see what you’re getting, but do NOT place your order there. Instead, go to http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive/scratchanddent/fastaction.html and place your order here.
Again, there are ONLY 7 Systems available here, and I think I’ve been consistent enough in my communication so that you know, when I say “only seven” — I MEAN “only seven.” So scarf them up while you can and get yours NOW: http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive/scratchanddent/fastaction.html
Here’s the most current testimonial I just got in about the system, and there are loads more at http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive
“Seriously, when I initially ordered Seductive Selling I was a bit skeptical. I have ordered other products from other so called marketing gurus and was very disappointed with the materials. When I received Seductive Selling System I immediately poured through the contents of the system and was so impressed with the way you presented the “47 Ways to Push Your Prospects Emotional Buy Buttons”. Using your system I was able to systematically incorporate a number of your “emotional buy buttons”. Guess what? My response rate went from a dismal 1/2 percent to a little over 3 percent. I am not a copywriter… but I was able to use the examples and apply them to my direct mail pieces. The effort you put into the creation of Seductive Selling System really shows. I would have gladly paid TWICE the price for this system! Keep up the great work!”
Brian Deacon – Tampa, Florida
So get your System at the special Scratch And Dent Sale price, and save $200 NOW: http://www.kingofcopy.com/seductive/scratchanddent/fastaction.html
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. This is the first time in over 18 months I have had a sale like this — don’t bank on it happening… ever again!
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