Men are from mars, and women are from… apparently a place less valuable than Mars. Here, check this out:
According to the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation, college educated women earn 19% less than college educated men, 1 year after graduation. This, in spite of the fact that these women typically have higher GPA’s (3.16 versus 3.06) than these same men.
But it gets even worse — ten years down the road, the pay gap widens. At this point, women are earning 31% less than men, and even the women who never take time off to have children, are STILL earning 23% less than men.
But here’s where you really need to look into things and see who’s doing the talking here. I’m not sure the AAUWEF are telling you the whole story — and frankly, I’m not sure any of this even matters, since no one’s holding a gun to anyone’s head, and we are all completely free to choose who we want to work for… how much we’ll accept… and what we want to do.
Nevertheless… now check THIS out:
Men are more likely than women to be supervisors, and obviously a supervisor presumably earns more than the people he or she supervises.
Men also tend to work more hours per week, and this will usually earn you a few shekels more.
And the industry with the most amounts of women in CEO positions is not-for-profit, and as anyone knows, not-for-profit is also synonymous with “not a lot of money.” Healthcare comes in next, followed by legal services. Both of these professions, too, don’t pay their administrative positions as much as other sectors.
The point of this is NOT to belabor any kind of gender differences that exist, or to figure out the moral implications of the story. The point is to show you the research you need, to present whatever argument you need to make — on an objective level — to sell whatever it is you are trying to sell, is most likely out there somewhere. All you need to do is do a little digging and you will no doubt, find it.
Just ask the pharmaceutical companies. I do believe they know quite a bit about this kind of stuff.
If you want to see a real-life example of what I mean by research being able to support your market — even if what you are selling doesn’t even EXIST — then make SURE you take a look at pages 4 and 5 (and Examples 4A and 4B) in this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter. I’ll show you an example of a sales letter I wrote back in 2003 for the late Gary Halbert, and the crazy but REAL research I did to find the sales “hook” in it. It’s NOT for conservative people to look at, since it deals with a product of an adult nature, but the marketing lessons you will discover will be VERY insightful. If you don’t already subscribe to Seductive Selling, then test-drive it for fre.e and get $1,391 worth of bonus gifts — including FRE.E copywriting and TWO fre.e marketing critiques — right here:
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. It was Bullwinkle who said, “I think the blood is rushing to my antlers.”
No one knew.
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