What Paris Hilton Knows… That You Don’t

If you live here in America, practically a moment doesn’t go by where on some news or entertainment gossip show, they aren’t covering Paris Hilton.

Right now, every night you have literally DOZENS of shows covering Paris and whether or not she is going to get out of jail, and the myriad of (meaningless) circumstances around this.

There are so many excellent marketing lessons here about pop culture… the fickle American temprament… and our willingness to forgive.

But what’s also very instructional, and what I want to talk about today, is “visibility.”

You see, a good chunk of your popularity and recognition, will come from you being “visible” to your marketplace.

And whether this visibility comes in the form of an e-mail… your physical presence at trade shows… or because you are constantly arriving in your prospects home or office mailbox… frankly, it doesn’t really matter.

Because being seen adds an aura of success and popularity to you, which you simply can NOT create any other way.

Yes, talking about how wonderful you may be, and having others talk about how wonderful you are, is definitely important, but… “Being There” adds another unique dimension to your success, that is simply irreplaceable.

Paris Hilton knows this, and that’s why she’s been able to cultivate a buzz… and a fairly large following — and command large fees just to “be seen” at parties. Especially considering she isn’t known for, or have any particular talent or specialty skills.

You may dislike Paris, or you may love her. But once she gets out of jail, she’ll continue laughing… all the way to the bank.

Be seen… or be invisible. The choice is yours.

On page 1 and Example 1 of this month’s Seductive Selling newsletter, I’ll show you a SPECIFIC live example of how to get seen in the mail. In fact, this piece literally went to the TOP of my mail pile. Test-drive this newsletter fre.e, AND get a ton of bonus gifts to boot: http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Kick fear right on its ASS, NOW!: http://www.kingofcopy.com/science






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