What The Pirates Knew, In Spite Of Themselves

About two weeks ago I went to see the Pirates Of The Caribbean on opening night. My whole family has really enjoyed these movies, and the spirit of adventure they bring. The stories are very compelling and really get you involved (even when they make NO sense at all).

Not to mention, the incredible special effects, and the curiosity about Johnny Depp’s character, Jack Sparrow. (Of course, I think my sons like it because of Keira Knightly, but hey — that doesn’t make them bad people, now does it?)

As you know, pirates are criminals. And as you also probably know, most criminals aren’t too smart. And without giving away the movie’s conclusion, in case you haven’t seen it yet — in spite of NOT being too smart, in the end, the pirates are smart enough to know ONE thing that ultimately changes their destiny.

You see, they are smart enough to know that “Nobody… is as smart… as everybody.”

It’s true. As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to get caught up in a trap where since you’re always relying on yourself to “get through things,” but in reality, there’s no way on earth you, me or anyone else, can ever be as smart as all of us together. It’s called “synergy,” and the sum of the parts here, really is greater than the whole.

This is why the people in my Mastermind Group – http://www.kingofcopy.com/maverickmarketer – are seeing tremendous successes, and it’s why no business can ever really prosper without employees and support.

Always keep that in mind when you’re struggling to make a decision or to get over an obstacle you feel is in your way: Nobody… is as smart… as everybody.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. Look for an important announcement from me in the next day or so, and in the meanwhile, check out all the kings offerings here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/products






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