Got Milk? Get Curiosity.

So yesterday we talked about the benefits of conventional conversation, and how sometimes, saying things like “This too, shall pass”… and “”Every dog has his day”… and “You know, it really is always darkest before the dawn, right?” isn’t necessarily bad — in fact, saying tried and true clichés like this is often exactly what you need to make that much-needed connection with your prospects.

Today I want to talk about how you can “twist” these same conventional clichés to create discomfort and use this to get attention as well.

For example, you can turn the phrase “Often A Bridesmaid… But Never A Bride” into… “Often A Bridesmaid… But Never A Sex Kitten.”

That would get your attention, right?

Or how about this one: “Got Milk?” I’m pretty sure I saw something that said “Got Milk? Get Heart Disease!”

And you can take the old standby “Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire”… and turn it into… “Where There’s Smoke, There’s FireGuard!”

By doing this, you’re causing enough of an interruption from what’s conventionally “expected,” to make people stop what they’re doing so they can satisfy their curiosity. And since creating curiosity is one of the smartest things you can do in marketing, in general — this is a good thing.

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. On page 8 of this month’s Offline Seductive Selling Newsletter, I’ll show you exactly why, as Jim Rohn says, success ISN’T something you “chase down.” This is diametrically opposed to what we’ve all been taught, but I’ll show you specifically how success really IS something you attract, by the person you become — or not. Take a free test drive and get $1,391 Dollars worth of bonus gifts, right here:






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