HOLY Cow! I was up late last night polishing off this month’s Seductive Selling Newsletter, and lemme tell you this — you’re gonna EXPLODE when you read it, because I darn-near exploded putting it together. It absolutely ROCKS!
Anyway, if you want to check it out go to http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl
Like I said last week, I’m in the middle of about 15 different things right now, and off to New York City for a little R & R later on this week, so needless to say I’ve got SEVERAL deadlines to beat the clock on, before I go.
But today I want to discuss something curious I know you’ve experienced for yourself. It’s called “Parkinson’s Law,” and here’s the deal: Parkinson ‘s Law is a psychological theory that says tasks are like air and water.
What I mean is, you know how air and water will take the shape of its container, regardless of how big or small that space is? Well, my main man Parkinson said that it will take you as long to do a task, as you have time to do it. So basically, the amount of work you have will expand to fit the available time you have, or the available time you give it.
This is why deadlines are so very important. You see, without deadlines and time pressure, you rationalize your task into Parkinson’s Law parameters. Also, short-term deadlines are far better and more tangible than long-term deadlines (or goals). Long-term goals are just too distant to be real.
Not that you shouldn’t set them — Lord knows I do — but a series of short-term goals is very likely to be THE thing you need, to slap old Parkinson right on the hiney.
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. Check out The Big Scramble, LIVE!!! This month’s Audio Success CD interview is with Chris Pizzo, and he reveals how he created a 7-figure continuity program by back-selling his existing customers into it! This guy’s got more things going than an octopus has fingers. Check it out with this month’s Newsletter, and get $1,391 Dollars worth of bonus gifts, right here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl
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