Why Size DOES Matter, Baby

Ever meet someone who talks and talks and talks and goes on for what seems forever? For some reason when people are like this, they are REALLY like this — meaning, they won’t go on a little bit — they’ll go on pretty much forever, filling up whatever air time you give them, until you (often rudely) have to cut them off.

And THAT’S what the REAL problem is when you’re talking about long copy. People think long copy is bad — and it is, when your copy goes on forever like the babbling moron I just described to you. Filling up the air with thousands of words and saying nothing is a cardinal sin in my book.

But outside of this, long copy, with LOTS of good solid information, a riveting story, a sweet offer, and serious bullet points bursting with benefits and solutions… frankly — this can’t be beat. See, it’s not really an issue of long copy versus short copy, it’s really an issue of “completely spilling the beans in a compelling and persuasive way”… versus “boring the shit out of someone.”

And when you look at it this way, this makes a lot more sense, now doesn’t it?

Just remember this — if you sent a salesperson out to pitch your stuff, you probably wouldn’t tell him to “keep it under 25 words or less”… and you also probably wouldn’t suggest, “Hey — you’ve got an hour — don’t shut up for all 60 minutes of it” either, now would you?

So the real issue is relevancy, not length.

And on that note, it’s about time… for me… to skedaddle.

TWISTED? OUT OF CONTROL??? I don’t think so, but… this month’s Offline Seductive Selling Newsletter, without a DOUBT, has THE most OUTRAGEOUS and controversial cover of ANY marketing newsletter or magazine, EVER published. In fact, just test-drive my newsletter and if you can prove me wrong… then I will gladly pay you $100 Dollars. Take your FREE test-drive of the magazine right here, AND get $1,391 Dollars worth of FREE gifts, but ONLY if you are BALLSY enough. Get it on, right NOW: http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl

Now go sell something, Craig Garber

P.S. IT’S ALIVE!: Make sure you call in (Toll Free 1-866-613-1612, or International 001-858-268-3068) and listen to my radio show LIVE, every Thursday at 1pm Eastern, and download all the past shows, at http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssradio






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