A Buyer’s A Buyer’s A Buyer – Even For The Bad Guys

Great Superbowl yesterday, wasn’t it? Glad I wasn’t sitting there having plunked down a thousand bucks for tickets, only to get soaked for 4 hours.

And what was up with that bad looking kerchief impersonating as a doo-rag, Prince was wearing? Obviously, he was going for the “Little Richard” look, but if he really wanted to get his groove on, he should’ve checked out my breakthrough new Automatic Pimpin’ Kit here: http://www.kingofcopy.com/pimpin

Anyway, what you need to know about today is that the old adage of “a buyer is a buyer is a buyer” is SOO true, even the bad guys know it. Here’s what I mean:

The best person to sell something to, is someone who’s already bought from you. Often, you do this at the point of original sale, in which case it’s called an upsell or a cross sell, or upon delivery it’s sometimes called backloading.

This rule of thumb (about your best buyer being someone who’s already bought from you) is SO fundamental, it even holds true for the bad guys. In fact, in the world of “scammers”, hitting someone up a second time is known as “reloading.”

Reloading is basically when a scammer comes up with a clever way of making a victim part with their money a second time.

For instance, lots of people who get scammed, will then get called from another scammer disguising themselves as some kind of law enforcement official, who’s come to rescue them. And since the victim is already in such a vulnerable state, they’ll usually spill the beans about everything to this new “savior,” but in reality they are simply being re-duped.

Sad, but true.

Scammers are now even selling the names and information of their victims, the same way list brokers and list managers will sell you mailing lists of people you can market your own legitimate business to.

The real lesson here is the value of your buyers list, and how, if you’re not already making additional offers to your customers, you sure as hell ought to be.

I CHALLENGE YOU! Here’s a challenge I will put up for the ENTIRE month of February: This month’s Offline Seductive Selling Newsletter, without a DOUBT, has THE most controversial and outrageous cover of ANY marketing newsletter or magazine, EVER published. I will be so bold as to tell you that if you decide to test-drive my newsletter this month, and you can prove me wrong… then I will gladly pay you $100 Dollars. You can take a FREE test-drive of the magazine right here, AND get $1,391 Dollars worth of FREE gifts, but ONLY if you have the BALLS worthy of this. If so, get on it, NOW: http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssnl

Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. IT’S ALIVE!: Make sure you listen to my radio show live, every Thursday at 1pm Eastern, and download all the past shows, at http://www.kingofcopy.com/ssradio






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