I have to tell you… yesterday, the weather here was virtually perfect.
It was odd, because the night before, we had the heat on, it was so cold. (61 degrees — yes, go ahead and laugh at how my New York City blood has become used to Florida)
But during the day, it warmed up into the high 70’s, and after I got back from the gym… it was very hard to get my day started.
It was way too difficult to sit down and start writing anything too deep.
So, instead… I spent some time putting together something based solely on wit and sarcasm.
And now… it’s yours for the taking. So…
Read through all the new and updated Offbeat Ad postings, right here on my blog
Let me know what you think of them, or even what you don’t think of them, if you’re super-motivated.
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
P.S. Download my 30-Day Cash-Flow Surge Program now — yours free
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listening to: Stop – James Gang (1969)